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24. Rematch

23. Log Off

22. Commission

21. Skill Allocation

20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

12. Days Pass

11. Breeding

10. Form Faction

9. Omega Focus

8. Arriving at Academy

7. Skill Tree(Alpha)

6. Skill Tree(Omega)

5. Skill Tree(Null)

Lion Hunting

avatar on 2020-06-24 08:48:05

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Because the Lions were the only group to beat us, they were lording it over everyone. It technically was a source of pride seeing as our record was so high. They also made the grave mistake of thinking that they were able to mock us too. We challenged them to a rematch immediately. I needed to shut that shit down. Reputation was very important and we had a record to set clear. On the day of the rematch, I pulled the Alphonse in the cockpit. It was a breeze booting up. Not only was the course shorter, but the obstacles were much slower and easier to dodge. I was booting up after six minutes. It was by far my best performance. Alphonse had leveled up to the point he could use rifles. Alphonse got several shots off at point blank range. It did critical damage and Alphonse knocked him over before placing the barrel against the cockpit. He fired and that was it. Alphonse was pretty vicious whenever he got into a cockpit. There was serious gap between his personality between in and outside the mechas. I was not going to complain. I kind of liked it.

We won that round. Next, Dusty and Leo got in the cockpit and won their match. The opponents had a brief head start, but there was no way for them to deal enough damage to cripple our mecha. When they finished booting up, Leo quickly dispatched them. That was our second win. Finn stepped forward and pointed at the one who beat him last time. "You and me. Now." he snapped. The opponent smirked as he cracked his knuckles. He agreed to change the order of the events. Finn nearly killed him. I thought something was off from the look he had on his face. He was always a man off a few words, but I was pretty sure I had never seen him with that look on his face before. We had to pull him off of the boy he beat to a bloody pulp. It seemed that Alphonse was not the only one with a vicious streak in him. I needed to keep that in mind. That clenched our victory so the fourth round got canceled. It was for the best. The others looked like they had their hands full carrying their unconscious comrade to the infirmary. He was down for the count.

During our celebration, Leo stood up. So did Liam and Claude. We looked at them and waited. "I think now that we settled the score, there's no reason to stay. We learned all that we can from the academy. Liam, Claude and I responded to the letter and sent it in today. I think you three should do the same." Dusty looked upset and said "I thought we were going to do this all together as a team. Why did you go behind our backs!? I wanted to stay as long as possible to sharpen my skills. It's tough out there!" "Go behind!? We are taking the lead! Alphas are supposed to do that. Besides Leo and I started the team. We are the leaders. You joined in after we started to get a bit of prestige." Liam said in anger. "So it is like that." Dusty said with a roll of his eyes. He was clearly annoyed. I looked at Dusty and asked what he wanted to do. He looked at me with a shrug. "The cat's out of the bag now. I can't be the one holding everyone up. Let's just get it over with." He then looked at Liam. "I'm choosing the Navy. That's set in stone now" he said.

I agreed and pledged myself to going to the Navy. The three Draks looked pissed off. They obviously still wanted to go to the Army. I could not care less about what they wanted. Finn turned to me and said "Davie, I will go with you." I nodded my thanks to him. He smiled. Alphonse agreed and joined us. It was a small group with an Alpha, an Omega and two Switches. It could definitely work between the four of us. They left in a huff soon after that revelation. "They'll come around sooner or later. They are proud, but they're not stupid. We'll get an apology by the party." I said with a shrug. They agreed with me. Karl had been watching from his bed. "Draks are not known for being that understanding. I wish you luck." he said softly. I looked at him with curiosity. Karl was in a group as well. He was the leader of six members of his tribe. He had both Alpha and Omega piloting experience and had victories in both roles. "Karl, you're pretty strong. You must have had a commission by now. Where do you want to go?" I asked him. He blinked and said "Yes, I have. Air Force. I want to fly important missions."

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