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20. Super Feats

19. Lose Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

12. Days Pass

11. Breeding

10. Form Faction

9. Omega Focus

8. Arriving at Academy

7. Skill Tree(Alpha)

6. Skill Tree(Omega)

5. Skill Tree(Null)

4. World of Machinima

3. Random Options

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Super Skill Tree

avatar on 2020-06-23 01:11:23
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-23 01:35:37

562 hits, 18 views, 1 upvotes.

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Calm Intuition Control
Cool ESP Kinesis
Sub Space Telepathy Generation

Senses Enhance Modify
Super Sense Fertility Mutation
Ultra Sense Gene Edit Monstrous

Rally Ki Will
Inspire Blast Health
Cult Infect Reject Death

Pheromones Body
Attraction Womb
Hypnotize Gene Edit

Pheromones Body
Repulsion Knot
Dominate Cult


Calm- All mental minigames are slower for player advantage
Intuition- Gain insight into others intentions
Control- All physical minigames are slower for player advantage
Cool- Slows down time for 10 seconds per star
ESP- Extra Sensory Perception
Kinesis- Can control a chosen element
Sub Space- Freeze time(in mind) for 5 seconds per star
Telepathy- Talk directly to the minds of others
Generation- Create chosen element from body


Senses- Choose one sense to enhance
Enhance- Choose one body part to enhance
Modify- Change one body part to edit
Super Sense- Develop sense into superpower
Fertility- Double fertility per star
Mutation- Choose a mutation
Ultra Sense- Gain other world knowledge through chosen sense
Gene Edit- Create your Offspring's looks and more
Monstrous- Choose second mutation


Rally- Gather others together with sound of voice
Ki- Develop spiritual energy
Will- 5% chance to resist Alpha or Omega abilities
Inspire- Influences people below rank and level
Blast- Fire Ki from body
Health- 10% raster health regeneration rate per star
Cult- Commands people below rank and level
Infect- Force Ki into another's body
Reject Death- Regain 5% per star after taking fatal damage(Once per in-game week)


Pheromones- Release smells to cause arousal
Body- Make body more feminine
Attraction- Draw people to you using Pheremones
Womb- Grow womb through the anus
Hypnotize- Place others in trance
Gene Edit- Create your Offspring's looks and more


Pheromones- Release smells to cause arousal
Body- Make body more masculine
Repulsion- Push people away fromyou using Pheremones
Knot- Develop a Knotted penis
Dominate- Force into submission people below rank and level
Cult- Commands people below rank and level

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