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19. Win Challenge

18. Claude

17. More Challenges.

16. Leveling

15. Abstain

14. Victorious

13. The First Battle

12. Days Pass

11. Breeding

10. Form Faction

9. Omega Focus

8. Arriving at Academy

7. Skill Tree(Alpha)

6. Skill Tree(Omega)

5. Skill Tree(Null)

4. World of Machinima

3. Random Options

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Level 10

avatar on 6/23/2020 2:07:59 AM UTC

452 hits, 10 views, 1 upvotes.

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I dumped him on the infirmary bed. He still looked like he was in a lot of pain. I sighed and kissed him. It tasted like apple juice. He looked at me in confusion. "Why? I thought you hated it." he asked. "I don't like horny idiots. I'll let you kiss me once if you ask. Ask Leo about his kiss. You're honestly all really lucky that you're the type of idiot I like." Claude asked what type I was into, but I wasn't going to reward him with a response. When it came to a guy, I liked them fit, nice to me, and a sense of humor never hurt anyone. To be completely honest, if it wasn't for Suzie and the fact I'd never get to top an Alpha, I'd fuck all of them. I turned and left him hanging. I needed to be there to see the end of the challenge. It was a team effort and I wanted to show my support. When I got there, two events had gone by. Dusty and Leo won the second round in the Elite mechas and the team of Alphonse and Liam lost. Alphonse was way too passive for his own good when it came to these types of encounters. I did my best in cheering them up.

Finn was on the field facing off against one of the Lions. Finn and the boy were feeling each other out at first before they locked their arms. Finn was able to get a quick upper hand due to his strength and slammed him into the ground. Finn put him in a sleeper hold and the boy was out half a minute later We won another challenge. Our arms were raised and we were cheered by the spectators. We were 8-0, an academy record. When we were celebrating our victory in the infirmary, I got the popup that I had reached Level 10. I pulled Dusty aside and told him. He smiled and said "Navy, here we come!" I nodded and the rest of the party went well until we were kicked out of the infirmary by a nurse. I went to my room and locked the door. Karl was in the room panting heavily. He was two days out from his last breeding. I knew that because the Pretty Boys were the ones who bred him. I sat on my bed cross legged as I opened up the tree. I had ten star for the tree and their were super skills as well. They made genetic modifications to the avatar.

For the skill trees I wanted to be more balanced in my approach. When the real game started up, I wanted something to show. I did not want to be railroaded into a single role by the Navy officers. That meant three in Null, four in Alpha and three in Omega. For the Null tree, I put two of them in Tough Skin to get one in Iron Skin. That gave a good 20% reduction in damage outside the mechas which was good. I did not like the idea of being a sitting duck outside of one. In the Alpha tree, I put a star in each of the mecha combat roots. I now packed a stronger punch and kick as well as the ability to grapple. I also put a star in flexibility. One star gave the ability to do a full split. That made me a bit more versatile in my tactics. I then looked to the Omega tree. I wanted to upgrade the escape pod so I put a star in it. That allowed access to a pair of flare guns with six flares. I put my last stars in the durability tree. Advanced Hull and Detachment would make it slightly easier for me to go on without any major injury. I then turned to the super skills.

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