"You're taking this better than I thought you would," Erica said.
"I ... I guess I'm just in shock," Lizzie said.
Erica looked a little closer. "You didn't already know, did you?"
"What? No, of course not. Believe me, you fooled me just as much as everyone else."
Erica shrugged, then walked out of the room. "You want something to drink? I'm thirsty."
"Nope, I'm fine," she called out.
After Lizzie was sure that Erica was gone (for the moment), she ran into Erica's room and used the computer again. But this time instead of typing in Erica's name for the subject, she typed in ERICA'S GIRLFRIEND, hoping that it would be good enough (since she didn't know the girl's name) and as it turned out, it was.
A photo of the very attractive girl came up on the screen and Lizzie began to make changes to her ...