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41. Next Day

40. They Agree

39. Karyn Finds Some Boys

38. Give Stone to Karyn

37. Falling Out

36. Female Centaur

35. Karyn's House

34. It Worked

33. Date With Keith

32. Day 2

31. Jimmy tries to understand

30. Jimmy succeeds

29. Date with Jimmy

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

25. She doesn't take it well

24. Adjustments

23. Going one for one

22. Jon makes his move

Tryouts Day 2

avatar on 2020-06-16 17:44:06

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The next day, the coach wanted to test their basic skills. There were twenty seven boys gathered on the court. Obviously, the ones that dropped out were missing. That meant that each player had about five minutes to take a ball for some serves before the couch would test their form for forehand and backhand returns at various points on the court. "I wish that Mason and Casey's serves were 25 mph faster than normal." Karyn wished using the stone. She watched as the boys took their turns. It seemed to be based on some amount of seniority, as the older boys went first and were dismissed. Mason and Casey were among the last to go. Mason was not that good with his backhand, but he was competent enough with his footwork and forehand. Casey was not as quick on his feet as Mason, but he had good shot control and hand-eye coordination. It was a good showing and they were dismissed like the rest. Karyn waited for them again. "Tomorrow is the last day. Keep it up and I think you'll be on the team in no time." she said.

Mason crossed his arms and said "You've been watching how it's been going. How do you think we're doing? I think we need some magic." Casey rolled his eyes. "Calm down. I don't want to get in if I didn't earn it. We have a day to change his mind and get on the team." he said. Karyn nodded and said "Listen. I think you both did really good these last two days. Besides, for all you know, the others might quit. Four dropped out already. If another seven guys don't show up after school tomorrow, you'll be on the team by default." Neither of the boys were moved by that. She said "I bet you two would look hot on the court. If you get as toned as Tobias, lots of people are going to look you're way." They seemed appreciative of the flirting. But they then began walking towards the parking lot. "What are you even trying to do on the team? If I looked at you two, I'd think you wanted to be a doubles team." she probed. They shrugged and Karyn took it to mean that they were fine with that. When they got on the bus, she turned to go home on her own.

Sarah and two of her lackeys from the football team were in front of her. "Look at you, using that boy's body. I don't know why you waste the prettier bodies you have. I've seen them. You could be our team mascot if you would use makeup." she said. Karyn just crossed her arms. Sarah said "Just turn around and go home already." She was going to do just that when one of the footballers whispered "Damn tranny!" The other one nodded and said "I know, right? Fucking gross." That made her angry. She turned and glared at them. "I wish the three of you turned into centaurs of the opposite gender!" she hissed. They blinked before shaking their heads and said no. Karyn rolled her eyes and turned back around. The three ran in front of her again. "What the fuck did you just do to us!? You tried to curse us, didn't you!?" Sarah demanded a response. Karyn said "Just get out of my way. I want to go home." It was not enough to move them. Karyn said "I wish I had the power to make people want to fuck me just by staring at them."

It was not that all she wished for. "I wish that anyone who cums in this body's ass would become a gray centaur mare with a neon pink tail and hooves that follows all of my commands." she said. The stone in her hand glowed and she smirked. It made them back up and Sarah said "Are you serious!? What the hell is that rock? So that is how you curse people." Karyn just stared at the three of them. They blushed and gasped as the stare began to affect them. One of the boys began stumbling closer to her. "Axel! What are you doing. Get back here!" Sarah said. The other boy pulled her back. "We gotta go! I'm about to lose it. He's gone!" he said before they both broke into a dead sprint. Axel continued to walk closer to her. There was a mix of lust and fear as he stood in front of her. Karyn could see that he was rock hard through his jeans. She smirked and took him by the arm. She said "I'll take you to somewhere more private." They walked together to the bleachers where the football field was. The field lights were off as practice had ended for the day. It was deserted.

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