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49. Free Everyone

48. Jon's Victory

47. Jon Wins

46. Mouse Vs. Jon

45. Mouse

44. Under Arrest

43. Orion Vs. Mouse II

42. Watch From Distance

41. Leaves Stone

40. Day 3

39. They Arrive

38. Escape

37. Orion attacks Yuu

36. Mouse sticks around

35. Mouse attacks

34. Day 2

33. Jon Vs. Orion

32. His powers revealed

31. Orion goes for it

30. Working out

Breaking Free

avatar on 2020-06-14 01:10:06

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The keys were indeed on a large rack above the guard's desk at the end of the hall. He slithered over to get them before looking over them. "The red keys open these cells. The blue open the cells on the opposite side of the hall." the drug dealer said. He must have had some deep experience with it. Jon nodded and began trying the keys in the locks. He opened the cell with his family first. Then he went to the drug dealer. "Thank you. If you ever need something, you can count on me." he said before walking off on his own. "If I catch you around my family, you're going to wish you had a jail cell between us." Jon's father yelled after him. The dealer only chuckled as he held up a middle finger. Jon also released the drunk and the homeless people. They looked around before deciding it would be better to stay in a big group. A big group headed off by a powerful lamia. Jon rolled his eyes and let them follow. They climbed the stairs and walked past the front office. The drug dealer was sitting in front of a computer and had a cellphone in the crook of his neck.

He saw them and said "Hold up. I got those guys who let me out." He then smiled at them. "I have a hacker friend and he would fucking cream his jeans if he could access one of these bad boys. I also need to try and see if I can clean my record while all these cops are down. I don't know how to do any of this shit, so I am phoning it in." He then looked at the phone. "Yeah, Kyle. I'm fucking back." he said before he got quiet. His eyebrow raised in amusement and said "Really? It's as simple as opening my email? That is good to hear." He then booted one of the computers and frowned. He said "Yeah Yeah. You know I don't give a shit about any of this. I am just opening the email and leaving." There was a pause before he scoffed. "Get real! They're down, not dead! You think they won't figure out shit is going on if they wake up and catch me in the act!?" he berated whoever was on the other end of the line. The computer needed a password. "Shit! I have to find a computer that's already logged into. In the meantime, instead of bitching, you better be writing up that hacker code shit." he said.

When he found one that was logged into, he sat down and cracked his knuckles together. "Alright Kyle. I'm in and opening my email." he said into the phone. "Yeah I see it. Now what?" he said after a pause. He then clicked a link in an email. "Did it. Now what?" he said. He smirked and nodded until something he heard made him roll his eyes. "I'm not a fucking idiot! Of course I know to log out my email and remove it from the Google account history." he snapped. He did so and stood up. "Okay. I'm out and I'm on my way. pick me up at the usual spot. I might as well see what you're going to do." he said with a smirk. He then hung up the phone and looked at the others watching him in silence. "What!? I'm not stopping you. I got an escape route. How about you all? Don't even think about following me." he said as he stooped over one of the fallen officers and stole their gun. He then hid it under his waistband behind him. He took another gun and walked right through the front door. The pure audacity was stunning to everyone else.

Jon caught his composure and said "We need to get out of here! Follow me." They nodded and let him lead the way. When they went out the front door, Jon caught a glimpse of the drug dealer turning the corner on the right side of the building. Jon's home was towards the left. However, there was no way he could transport such a large group and stay hidden. That was when he thought of the police bus. "We have to get the police bus. I think the garage was..." he trailed off as he realized where the drug dealer was going. He followed the dealers lead and as they got to the garage, a black unmarked car pulled up to them. It was the dealer. He smirked and said "If we were alone, I'd make both our wishes come true." He began laughing when he saw Jon's father glare at him. The window rolled up and he drove off. Jon shrugged and said "Let's take the bus. There's enough space for all of us. We just need someone to drive us." Jon's father volunteered and they all got on the bus. The homeless man and the drunk hot wired it.

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