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34. It Worked

33. Date With Keith

32. Day 2

31. Jimmy tries to understand

30. Jimmy succeeds

29. Date with Jimmy

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

25. She doesn't take it well

24. Adjustments

23. Going one for one

22. Jon makes his move

21. What happened to you Jon?

20. (Empty)

19. Jennifer tries on a dress

18. bra fitting

17. New Clothes

16. Very Bad

15. Let the fun begin

Finally Free

avatar on 2020-06-13 22:38:10

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As he took the stone back in his hand. Jon felt his body morph and change until he was human again. Keith covered his face and said "What the hell Jon!? Why are you flashing me? You know I'm not gay." Jon said "I'm sorry about that. I forgot I still needed to put my pants on." Keith groaned as he waited for Jon to put some boxers on from his drawer. Keith looked down at himself and screamed. Jon flinched and asked what was wrong. He said "I turned into a lamia! Look at me! Why did this happen to me!?". Jon pretended to be surprised. "Hmm. I don't know. Maybe my pants went away the same time you changed into a lamia. I guess mysteries can happen everyday to people. Well, do you want to leave now?" Keith grabbed his bag and slithered out the room. "I wish Keith accepted being a lamia without being scared or angry. I also wish everyone would think it normal that he was a lamia." Jon was pleased that he was a human male again. He stretched his legs out and did some squats to relish the feeling of actually having legs again.

Jon then flopped on his bed and smiled. "Suck it Karyn. Girls have it way better than being a guy. I fucking knew it. I'm going to tell her when I see her in the morning." he said. His mind had not changed in all the experiences he had. In fact, Jon might have picked up some real misogynist ideas. When he came down from his high, he decided to think on what to do next. The stone could do anything he wanted and all the transgender stuff was a very unwanted distraction. Thinking back on how he felt as a lamia, he actually missed the feeling of being powerful. He still wanted to be able to walk though. He thought and thought about it until he came up with an idea to have the best of both worlds. He sat up and said "I wish I had a clone of the lamia form I had." The female lamia appeared. He looked at her in disgust. He held the stone and said "I wish I had a clone of the lamia form that looked like me." It was then that the white scaled lamia that looked at him appeared. Jon asked "Do you have a dick or a pussy?"

The clone said it had a pussy. Jon looked at the stone. "You want to be an asshole, huh? I wish I had a clone of the lamia form with the black and cyan scales with all the strength it had when I had a date with Jimmy." The one that he wanted all along appeared and the clones all looked at Jon. "I wish all the clones had the same strength as the clone with the black and cyan tail." The stone glowed and the other clones shuddered. They then looked appreciative at the change. Jon then smirked and said "I wish all my clones were unconscious and had lost their consciousness with no will of their own. I also wish that I could transfer my consciousness into any of the clones at will by thinking about it." The clones looked at him in horror before falling on the ground. Jon looked at them and said "I wish that everyone found it normal for me to have multiple bodies. I wish the same applied to Karyn and her lamia form. I also wish that she had a clone that was a black centauress that was helplessly horny for me and a clone that was a white centaur."

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