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44. Swallow Rock

43. Orion Vs. Mouse II

42. Watch From Distance

41. Copies Stone

40. Day 3

39. They Arrive

38. Escape

37. Orion attacks Yuu

36. Mouse sticks around

35. Mouse attacks

34. Day 2

33. Jon Vs. Orion

32. His powers revealed

31. Orion goes for it

30. Working out

29. Date with Orion

28. Day 1

27. Jon tries to fix himself

26. Jon becomes a Lamia

25. She doesn't take it well

Magical Body

avatar on 2020-06-09 10:18:14

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Jon was looking around for Robin and Mouse to come back, but they were nowhere insight. Jon's mother and father stood protectively in front of him. Because he was being detained and not arrested, the wish was not taking effect. "There is no reason he has to go with you. Let me talk to your superior officer!" his mother said. The agent drew a tazer and said "She is coming with us now. You can let her come quietly or you can come with her in handcuffs." The father pulled his mother away from the agent. "Fine. We'll meet you at the station and you will be hearing from our lawyer. Go get dressed honey. You too Matthew." He then held Jon's shoulders. "Jennifer, go with them and stay strong. Don't answer anything until we get there." he said as he looked into his eyes. Jon nodded and looked at the agent as they hurried upstairs to get dressed. The agent held out his hand. He said "Give me the rock. I don't know why. They said it was some sort of weapon." Jon shook his head and said "This stone is mine. My grandfather left it to me in his will."

The agent was not moved by this and held his hand out closer to him. "If it turns out that it is harmless, you can have it back." the agent said. Jon knew better than that. If it fell into the hands of the FBI, it would almost certainly be abused for evil purposes. He still had it in his hand and there was no way he could throw it or make a wish without making it clear what the stone could do. The agent frowned and said "I'm not asking you again. Give me the rock, or I'll take if from you." Jon was out of time and unsure of what to do. On impulse, he threw the stone in his mouth and swallowed it. He felt an oppressive warmth spread throughout his entire body and he looked at himself in alarm. The agent facepalmed before sighing deeply. "...You're very lucky you're a cute girl Jennifer. Alright then. We'll just have to get it from you at the station later. In the meantime, come with me." she said as he grabbed his arm roughly. Jon slithered over to the tactical van and got in. I was probably the only vehicle that he could fit in. Even then, it was a tight squeeze.

Now on the road, the agent sat across from him. "It wont take long before we get to the station. Once we get there I'm sure we can find a laxative strong enough for you to get rid of the rock." Jon rolled his eyes and said "I wish it would take longer to get there." He shivered as he felt the warmth tingle throughout his entire body. The agent asked if he was cold. "No, I'm just a bit nervous. I really didn't do anything wrong." Jon said. The agent just leaned back and waited. It was a long wait. Every time they reached a light, it turned red and stayed red for five minutes. "What the hell is taking so long!?" the agent snapped. The driver only shrugged. Jon was also getting bored. "I wish I knew." he muttered under his breath. He shivered again and the agent noticed. "Still nervous?" he asked. Jon nodded with a pale look on his face. He knew what was going on. Because he had swallowed the stone, the magic dissolved into his body. He could wish at will. Anyone who touched him could also have a wish granted. That was not good, but he was sure he could manage it.

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