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16. Grind Exp

15. Undead

14. Back Down

13. Exploring Options

12. Endurance Training

11. The Third Case

10. Eaten Out

9. The Second Case

8. Suzie Calls

7. Fertility

6. David Has Control

5. Male Dresser

4. Enter - Vanilla Village

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming


avatar on 2020-06-08 16:19:40

430 hits, 17 views, 1 upvotes.

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Suzie was already level 9. There were a set of starter classes that a play could choose from. It was then up to the player to grow stronger and achieve certain conditions to advance into higher tiered classes. For example, at level 10 in the rouge class, she could choose between following a bunch of thieves or joining a den of assassins as an apprentice. From there, there will be their own skill trees for the new class. My advanced classes were archmage and battlemage. Suzie took me to where I could learn to fight. When we were out in the open, she led me down a path where enemies spawned in. She taught me the ropes by telling me about all the weapons I had and how to use them in combat. I was able to kill some slimes, wolves and goblins for a few hours. I had Xenoz hold back while I fought for myself. I needed to experience fighting. I reached level 6 in no time at all. I looked around and saw Suzie had wandered of at some point. I looked around for her. When I saw her she was engaging a red, large goblin. One was already on the ground.

I helped her and we took it down together. With it now dead Suzie sighed and said "I think that is enough for now. Do you think you can handle it from here, David? I don't want to stay here just to help you run a cult". I asked her where she was going to go next. "Back to Epic City. I like it there and the quests aren't too hard" she said with a shrug. I nodded and let it drop. I did not need to hold her hand for the whole game. I could call her if I wanted to meet her somewhere for something. There were other things to do in the game. I also had Xenoz to help me with fighting and quests. I pulled her close and gave her a kiss. It was deep and passionate as she wrapped her arms around me. When we were finished and caught our breath. She smiled and said "That was nice. I guess I can visit you from time to time if you're going to do that". "That and more if you stay the night" I replied. She smirked and said "See you next time. Wish me luck!" I waved her off as she walked down the dirt road to the city. Xenoz hugged me from behind as Suzie turned her head and turned around the bend out of sight.

He said "If she is the one you want, you could take her right now. You're not that far from her strength". I sighed and said "We have work to do and there is no time to be concerned about things like that". There was no way to let my guard down around him and not have it backfire. The incubus just smirked and said "You asked if I could become female. I think I know why now. If you prefer females, I can make an exception for you, Mistress". I only shook my head before pulling away from him. "We need to bring back the pelts and tusks to the village. Someone might be able to do something with it" I said. Xenoz pouted before running in front of me. "Are you saying you have no interest in me at all? Don't be cruel" he stomped his foot. I rolled my eyes and said "Cruel? Says the one who slaughtered children in a dark cellar!" "Demons are always cruel except for the ones they happen to like" he replied. That was true and I let him have the last word. I collected the loot and brought it back to the village for people to take from the center of the village.

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