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14. Back Down

13. Exploring Options

12. Endurance Training

11. The Third Case

10. Eaten Out

9. The Second Case

8. Suzie Calls

7. Fertility

6. David Has Control

5. Male Dresser

4. Enter - Vanilla Village

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Don't Push Your Luck

avatar on 2020-06-07 15:45:45

430 hits, 16 views, 1 upvotes.

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Xenoz was getting very angry and I was not going to push my luck by continuing. I walked to the ladder. I put the clothes I left on the ground back on and looked down at myself. It still fit me. I opened the door to leave the house. I turned back to him and said "Make sure to put your clothes on before you leave". He did not answer me, but I just wanted to leave. As I walked through the village, there were many people that looked at me differently than before. One of them came up to me when I got to the village center and said "Are you Azzollol? I thought you were a woman". I nodded and said "I am a god of fertility. Of course I have a grasp on what it means to be both male and female. This is my male form. You can refer to me as Lord or Lady Azzollol if that makes you feel better". The villagers seemed to think about it before nodding or shaking their head. "Is there any villager that needs help? I have helped some of you already. As your god, I care about you and while minor deities, we both care a lot about you".

They looked pretty skeptical but they did not say anything. I sighed and said "Every month on the new moon, we will have an outing where we get together somewhere in the village and talk about how we are feeling". It was a random request, but I wanted to see what they would do about it. They blinked at me before nodding blindly. It did not really matter whether they understood what I wanted as long as they all complied. I smiled at them and the villagers went about their days as I looked around for something to do. One of the children looked at me nervously from one of the houses. I waited for them to come closer. When they did not after five minutes, I sighed and walked toward them indirectly. As I was about to pass by, a girl caught on my tunic and stopped me. "I want help. My friends are missing. They said they were going to play with Silas yesterday. I can't find them anywhere" she said. The kids around her nodded their heads. A popup for a quest appeared. 'Missing Children' was the name and it had a reward of 5000 exp for the difficulty. I looked up to the sky and sighed.

All the times the couples came to me, I also got popups for the tasks. They were worth 1000 exp each. I accepted the quest and said "I know where the missing children are". They perked up and looked excited. "Follow me. I can take you there" I sighed as I walked to the cellar. When I got their I had an idea. "You said Silas was playing with them? Is that true?" I asked them. They nodded and I frowned. "I don't know if that is good. Silas should not be playing with children. He likes playing around with magic. I hope he didn't anyone" I said. They then got nervous as I opened the hatch to the cellar and called down to them. There was no answer to my call. The children looked at each other. "I will go down alone. I don't want anyone to get hurt. Bring your parents here and tell them to wait for me". The children all nodded and ran off. I made sure my chains and gauntlets were equipped and ready to go as I slowly descended the stairs. When I reached the bottom of the cellar, I was shocked to the core at what I saw.

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