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12. Endurance Training

11. The Third Case

10. Eaten Out

9. The Second Case

8. Suzie Calls

7. Fertility

6. David Has Control

5. Male Dresser

4. Enter - Vanilla Village

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Growing Manly

avatar on 2020-06-07 10:32:21
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2020-06-07 10:35:02

440 hits, 24 views, 1 upvotes.

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Lance looked around the room and said "Are you sure? I don't want to insult you, Lady Azzollol". I looked him straight in the eye and said "It would insult me way more if you disobeyed me. Calm down and try". He flinched and pressed at my pussy. I was about to lose my virginity in the game and I was a bit nervous. He thrust in me and I grunted as he moaned. I could feel his heat in me. I also felt the throbbing and twitching of his small dick. His face was screwed up tight, as if he was trying to hold back from cumming. It failed, and I could feel a warm gush of cum inside me. Elaine facepalmed and groaned. He looked down in shame. He was about to pull out when I wrapped a leg around his waist. He was still hard and I had a sense that he could still cum some more. I chalked that intuition up to being a demon. "It's okay, Lance. This is just a training session. I'm not letting you go until you can give me five thrusts today" I said. Lance looked scared, but nodded anyway. He took a deep breath and began to try thrusting in me. He got to four thrusts before he came.

Elaine said "That's more than he's gotten with me and we have been married for seven months!". I looked at her and asked why she married him in the first place. She rolled her eyes as she looked at him. "Lance is a nice person, courageous and has a nice face. It helped he's pretty strong and good in a fight. Any girl would be a fool to pass him up. So when he wanted to marry me all my friends were jealous for a full month. But on our wedding night, we barely consummated it. It's small and he shoots too quick. To be honest, If I could go back and choose, I would let him go to someone else and be with a real man instead". Lance looked broken hearing it and got soft. "Xenoz, look in his eyes. He went soft in me". The incubus sighed as his eyes glowed. Lance looked and he got hard. It even felt as though he was slightly bigger than before. "Okay. If I can believe in you, you can do it! Let's try this again now. Five thrusts and we can call it a day" I told him. His eyes were glowing as he nodded. He was able to get four thrusts before cumming again.

We tried three more times after that, but he would always cum at the fourth thrust. I told him to go again, but he was covered in sweat and trembling from the strain. This time I stopped him at the third thrust. "I think this is something that will take a different approach. How about we take pauses and breaks before continuing every three thrusts next time?" I proposed as I let him go. He gave the final thrust and came. He panted as drool began to drip from his mouth. "Okay. You're doing good. Let's try it like I said. Three-thrust bursts and see how far we get". I said when he had spent a minute pausing and breathing heavily. He did what he was told. Every third thrust was followed by a loud gasp and clench of his whole body. He held it for a three seconds then repeated. Interestingly enough, on the fourth cycle, he lost control and came. "I said make it to five and you got all the way to the twelfth. I say this is a miracle in itself". I praised him as I pat him on the head. Elaine looked really pleased with all the results. After he pulled out of me I went up the ladder.

Xenoz smiled at him and said "I think we should try it again. They both want lasting success, not a simple miracle". He excitedly took off his trousers and tunic. Now that he was naked and hard, the incubus got on all fours and lifted his tail. He presented his ass to the human. "Try it with me" he said with a smirk. Lance was not able to hear him. His balls were red and he was clutching himself in pain. It was the internal strength he had that kept him from screaming. Xenoz scowled and said "Damn it! I forgot to keep eye contact with him". He shrugged as he let his body lay flat on the floor. "It can't be helped. Elaine, take him and go". She looked like he was going to say something, but he glared at her. "I'm not above testing you. You complained so much, we didn't even think about it" he snapped. She helped him get dressed and they left. Meanwhile, I could feel my body change. My breasts receded into my chest and I grew a six and a half inch cock. My face shifted to be more androgynous. I still had wide hips and my ass was only slightly smaller. Looking in the mirror, I was a femme guy.

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