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9. The Second Case

8. Suzie Calls

7. Fertility

6. David Has Control

5. Male Dresser

4. Enter - Vanilla Village

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

A Real Issue

avatar on 2020-06-06 14:43:40

534 hits, 24 views, 1 upvotes.

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After that, I got the first time warning. I decided to wait another three hours before I would log out. Xanoz was was still holding his junk. "I need to feed soon, Mistress. If I go into frenzy, the whole village might be destroyed" he groaned. I looked at him and said "You just drained four souls today. You have no right to say that". He said "It is a trifle. It made me stronger. And that led to my appetite growing with it". I nodded without really paying him any mind. An in-game hour later spent reading and inspecting what was in the house, we heard another light knock on the door. Xanoz looked hungrily at it. I went to the door and opened it. Another couple entered the house. The couple looked a bit nervous. "We heard that you can help people who want to have children. We want a child" the young woman said. The man said "I've been to war for the lord of the land and seen things that have made me shudder every time I go to sleep. It has also made me an impotent man. Please cure me of my affliction so that I can give my wife a child".

Xanoz smirked and sat in front of the fire. "I can cure you. Come here and undress in front of me" he said. The man complied with his command with a brief nod. The wife stood by as the incubus smelled him and said "Yes! I can help you. Just relax and look into my eyes". His eyes glowed as the man looked deep into his eyes. I could see the supernatural light reflect in his eyes as he got hard instantly. "I'm hungry, so I going to feed on you. Then you can mate with your wife" he said with a smile as he slowly began to suck his dick. The man moaned out loud as his finger ran his fingers through Xanoz's hair. I looked at her and pulled her close to me. She gave a yelp in a fit of surprise. "I will keep you company. You don't have to be bored while you wait". I leaned down and kissed her. I watched her eyes close as she gave into the high pleasure of the kiss. She wrapped her arms around me and swooned. That made my male ego feel better. and I could feel the same tingling crawl up my spine. I let her go and said "You need to do your best too. A husband needs his wife".

She nodded and said "I will. You really are a kind goddess, Lady Azzollol". I nodded and turned to see the man thrust back and forth into the demon's throat. "I'm about to shoot! Please take it, Lord Xanoz!" he shouted. Xanoz just moaned as he bobbed up and down on the man's shaft. When the man came, the incubus swallowed it all and I saw the shudder run up his spine. His tail went rigid and stood up in the air. He licked the man's cock clean before swallowing the remainder in his mouth. The man was still hard. "I am able to shoot now! Thank you! Thank you, Lord Xanoz" he said. The incubus was still wrapped in his pleasure. His wings were out and his dick was throbbing. 'He is taking his afterglow seriously' I thought to myself. He must have been a young and weaker incubus. I looked at the wife and said "To make sure this is a constant thing. You should try to have a baby right here and now. If I were you, I would take advantage of the miracle you have received". She nodded and took off all her clothes. They hugged before sharing a tender kiss.

I watched as the man laid his wife down on the floor and held her legs apart. The wife shyly covered her mouth as she blushed and tilted her head to the side. He then nervously pressed against her and thrust deep inside. Her back arched in deep pleasure. She gasped out in shock. They looked in each other's eyes and smiled. As they then began making love, Xanoz began to stir again. He came down from his high and was obviously still horny from the throbbing of the veins on his eight inch cock. He had a smirk on his face as he pulled in his wings and crawled behind the man. I saw what he was up to and pulled him back by the hips. He snarled at me and said "He is right there! Let me feed!". I shook my head at him. "We solved his problem. Stop being a glutton. If you are still horny, you can eat me out" I said. He glared at me, but he was forced to obey. I unequipped my clothes and my body was fully on display. He licked his lips and guided on the floor. He crawled over to me and said "Lillin are weaker than incubi and succubi. You might lose your mind, Mistress".

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