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10. Volleyball for Nathen

9. Math class for Zade

8. Meeting up with Nathen

7. Breakfast

6. The next day

5. Zane heads home

4. Sticking to the classics - gen

3. Start of a Brand New Day

2. And now for something complete

1. You Are What You Wish

STTC-GRR: Nathen's First Class

avatar on 2020-06-02 12:17:57
Episode last modified by Maddie on 2020-06-02 12:48:31

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I left Zane at the locker and headed for my first class. Gym, I had decided to skip a shower this morning so I was looking forward to taking one when class had finished. As I walked to the changing rooms I started to think about all of the things that I could wish for with Zane’s stone.

While I was still coming to terms with the stone’s existence, the possibilities were quite intoxicating. The first things that I started to think about were obvious, like... A house for me and Dad, a bigger TV, a new soccer jersey, that sort of thing. But then, as I arrived at the changing rooms, my thoughts turned to Julianna.

Julianna was my friend and the only boi in the circle of friends that Zane and I shared. I had somewhat of a schoolgurl crush on hym. Hei was hot, not in a Cherry Quinn kind of way, but a cute way. I loved the way hei always seemed to be happy about everything and seemed to cheer up everyone’s day no matter how bad they were having it.

I thought back to when my parents got their divorce. I had been so down that day that it was really hard to concentrate on school and the teachers noticed, but Julianna was there to comfort me, and when Zane and the others took off after school to do goddess knows what, hei stayed behind and walked home with me.

Just before I walked into the gurls’ changing rooms, I spotted hym about to do the same with the bois’. Hei was with a group of friends, but even so, hei seemed to notice that I was watching hym. Hei flashed me a warm smile, which I returned before hys friends dragged hym into the room.

I sighed as I pushed on the oak door. I wished that we could be closer.

The rest of the gurls were already changed or in the process of getting changed by the time I entered, so I quickened my pace and opened up my locker to get dressed. Coach hated it if one of us was late, and shi always made us run laps as punishment before class started. I hated to let everyone down.

As I pulled off my jersey, I couldn’t help but glance down at my new breasts. Sure, they weren’t massively big but, before the wish, they hadn’t been either so the change was rather noticeable. At least to me, I glanced around the room half expecting someone to make a comment but they didn’t so I just carried on getting ready.

I did however, appreciate the new firmness that came with my wish-enhanced boobs as I jogged into the gym. Again, they hadn’t changed much in that regard, but they seemed to bounce a lot less as I moved. I had also noted last night that I looked a lot like those gurls that you see on TV advertising gym classes and such.

Overall, I couldn’t really complain much about my wish.

“Ms. DeVries! Stop staring at your tits and get your butt over here!” Coach shouted. I blushed as I was brought out of my reverie.

“Sorry, Coach!” I called back as I jogged over to where the rest of the class was standing. A few of the bois giggled.

“Alright, now that we are here,” Coach glanced over at me before shi continued. “We can begin. Since today’s class is a mixed gender class, I think that we should do something simple. Today, we’re going to play volleyball.”

There was a groan from the female portion of the class.

“Volleyball?” One of the gurls whined. “Come on Coach, that’s a boi’s sport.”

Coach nodded.

“It is, and seeing as how the bois currently outnumber us, I think that it’s only fair that we try something that isn’t too intimidating for them.”

A few bois nodded and silently thanked the coach for not making them play dodgeball or something.

After a few instructions from the coach, we split up into groups of three and headed over to the volleyball courts that were all set up for us. I got paired with Julianna and a boi named Ramona. Hei had hys long blonde hair in curls and hei wore those sneakers with a 3 inch heel instead of the platform sneakers that Julianna and other sensible bois wore.

Julianna and I got into position as we waited for Ramona to mince hys way onto the court. Sure, the heels looked hot, but they were really impractical for this type of thing. It’s no wonder that bois were completely useless at sports if they all wore footwear like Ramona.

Giggling, Ramona signaled that hei was ready. The gurls that were on the other team just couldn’t take their eyes off hym! It didn’t help that hei wore a leopard print tank top that showed off hys midriff or the fact that hei had paired it with shiny black vinyl leggings.

I rolled my eyes. At least our competition would be distracted.

I returned my focus to the game just as Julianna got ready to serve. Hei tossed the ball up in the air and then gave it a powerful—at least for a boi—smack and sent it over the net to the other side. Unfortunately for the other team, the ball was headed to one of the gurls who was distracted by Ramona’s outfit and it smacked hir right in the face.

Shi blinked, stunned for a moment before looking around, confused.

“What?” shi asked, a little dazed. The only boi on the team, Joshea, groaned.

“Come on, Chlo!” hei scolded hir. “Pay attention to the game and not that slut over there!”

Ramona, of course, giggled at being called a slut. Ramona was one of those bois who didn’t do well in school, so hei turned hys focus onto hys looks. In this case, it was paying off.

I watched as Ramona batted hys long eyelashes and gave Chlo a wink. Chlo, for hir part, seemed a little uncomfortable. It looked like shi was turned on by hys actions and was trying not to wet hirself. I grinned.

By the time Coach called the lesson to a halt, we had won three sets, much to Joshea’s annoyance. The rest of the class walked back to the changing rooms, but Julianna and I hung back and waited for Joshea.
“Can you believe those two?” hei asked frustratedly, gesturing to hir teammates.

“Bois like Ramona give the rest of us a bad name when it comes to sports. Some of us actually want to compete.”

Julianna nodded. Although hei wasn’t into sports, hei didn’t approve of Ramona’s actions.

“Say, Julianna. You were actually pretty good,” Joshea commented. “Have you ever considered joining the team?”

Julianna stopped in hys tracks and blinked.

“Um, not really. You really think that I’m that good?”

Joshea nodded. “Yeah, I think you are, and I should know... I’m the captain.”

“I’ll think about it. I’ve never really been interested in sports.”

Joshea nodded and quickened hys pace to join the others. Julianna and I parted as we headed into our respective locker rooms but met up again once we had gotten changed. I couldn’t help but notice, out of the corner of my eye, Ramona taking Chlo’s hand and leading hir down the hall somewhere.

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