"How many of these things are there?" asked Jon. "I can't believe there are that many ways to mess up a wish. Look, here's twenty more...."
The stone changes reality. Therefore, I will be careful about wishing that things happen to my parents, especially making them the same sex. The effect on me may not be good.
The stone changes reality. Therefore, turning myself into an object or even becoming part of another family could mean Grandpa gave the stone to someone else.
The stone changes reality. Therefore, if I wish I know something, it may suddenly be true that someone else knows it and told me. There are safe ways for me to have gained such knowledge, such as Grandpa supplying better instructions, but I can't rely on that happening automatically.
Along with cell phones, I will take advantage of other modern conveniences. I don't need to keep my porn stash in paper form.
I will not casually wish for something to happen worldwide. I did read the instructions, after all; the stone does not work that way.
If I try to wish away one of the stone's limits, I will remember there is probably a reason why Grandpa didn't already do that.
Wishing for something vague and wandering around to see what changed is probably a bad idea.
Wishing for a different life and then just waiting for people to expect things from me that I don't know about is probably a bad idea too.
If I wish for temporary changes to my personality, I will not allow myself to make permanent wishes while under the mental influence of the temporary ones.
Certain kinds of wishes that can only be reversed every six months can be solved by time travel. For that matter, certain kinds of irreversible wishes can be solved by using time travel and making the reverse wish first.
However, any time travel will be accompanied by a wish to know which time travel theory about changing the past works. (Subject to #69.)
If I suspect that Grandpa is not dead, I do have a powerful tool for research.
I will not make "temporary" wishes that bring new people into existence.
I will consider that wishing for new people or changing my relationship to existing people may result in reality changing so that someone else knows about the stone.
I will not make wishes in situations where I am likely to be surprised and my exclamation of surprise will be taken to be the last part of the wish.
I will make some attempt to find out how likely the stone is to twist my wishes. Certain precautions may be needed if this is too likely, such as specifying people using both their first and last names or avoiding certain phrases.
I will not make wishes that are so long that I can't say them all in one breath, without taking special precautions.
Such precautions will not consist of dividing the long wishes into two wishes, unless I am sure the second wish won't reverse the first. Wishing that something happen to everyone and making a second wish that says "except me" will not work.
I will remember that although wishes change reality, I can choose what if anything they change.
I will pay enough attention to my stone to notice obvious replacements. If someone sneaked into my room and replaced the stone with one that is milky white or shaped like a doughnut, there's no reason I should think it's my original stone for even a moment.