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8. Sarah Will Slowly Become a Ste

7. Jon Hates Sarah McMillan ... B

6. Jon and Karyn Spot Someone The

5. Jon Meets Up With Karyn

4. Jon Wakes Up and Heads to Scho

3. The Love Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Love Stone: Sarah Will Slowly Become a Nerd

avatar on 2012-01-18 15:37:12

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"I wish that Sarah McMillan would slowly turn into a stereotypical nerd over the course of the school day today and would notice her transformation and be totally disgusted by it." The stone glowed, granting his wish.

"Good thinking," Karyn said, smiling. "That'll teach that bitch ..."

"Oh no, what did I do?" Jon said, his eyes wide.

"What? What is it?"

"How could I make a wish like that towards someone so ... so ... so perfect?" he said, looking towards Sarah with dreamy eyes.

"What? Jon, what the hell is wrong with you?" Karyn asked. "Sarah isn't perfect. She's a bitch."

"Take that back!" he yelled at her.

"Jon, seriously, what the hell is up with you?"

He looked at her with fury in his eyes. How could his best friend say that Sarah was a bitch? It was totally uncalled for. With a comment like that, he wasn't really sure he wanted to be friends with someone like that.

Jon stood up from the bench and looked down at Karyn. "I don't think we should be friends anymore. Sarah is perfect and I love her. And if you don't like that, then tough luck." Then he walked away and towards Sarah.

Karyn just stared at him. What the hell just happened?

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