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7. Jon Hates Sarah McMillan ... B

6. Jon and Karyn Spot Someone The

5. Jon Meets Up With Karyn

4. Jon Wakes Up and Heads to Scho

3. The Love Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Love Stone: Jon Hates Sarah McMillan

avatar on 2012-01-18 15:22:42

1464 hits, 90 views, 1 upvotes.

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Jon and Karyn both turned and looked in the direction that the laughter was coming from. Their faces twisted at the sight of that cheerleader bitch Sarah McMillan.

"What the hell does that bitch think is so funny?" Karyn asked.

They watched Sarah laughing and pointing towards a boy who had apparently tripped and was now trying to gather his books and such and stand back up. The boy was Walter Smukmeyer, a nerd.

"Sarah is so mean, you know?" Karyn said. "You should make a wish to put her in her place."

"Good idea," Jon said. Then he began to make a hateful wish towards Sarah, not realizing that what he held in his hand was actually The Love Stone, which would cause him to fall in love with Sarah McMillan, the target of the wish. "I wish that Sarah McMillan ..."

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