As Mark grabbed some breakfast himself, he glanced at the package on the table. It was addressed to his wife, but his curiosity got the better of him. He picked up the small package and opened it. Inside was a box. It was fairly unimpressive - about one inch by four and an inch deep, made of plain dark wood with a few obscure markings carved into it. He opened it and found a twice-folded piece of paper and a rather unusual, if plain-looking, stone. The stone was slightly metallic, rather like hematite, but with a reddish hue to its surface, rounded, flattish and about an inch across.
Mark was a little confused and disappointed. "This is Jane's inheritance? A rock?"
He grabbed the piece of paper and unfolded it. And then he read it:
*Dear Jane,
If you are reading this, it means I have passed on. Do not mourn my leaving; although we shall no longer be able to spend time together, be happy knowing that where I am now is just a new start and a different perspective than before and that I shall just look at it as my next great adventure.
The stone you find in this box is my legacy to you. Treat it with care. It does not look like much, but has immense power. I have entrusted it to you, my daughter, to be its keeper and guardian now that I am gone.
I found the stone on my latest expedition to South America and I believe it to be of Incan origin. How it works, or where it came from beyond that, I have no idea. All I can tell you is how it works and trust you to use it wisely.
Bear with me on this next bit; I know it sounds fantastic, but trust me when I tell you that I am telling the truth. All I say is real and it will not take much experimentation for you to prove it.
While holding the stone against your flesh (I recommend just holding it in your hand as the simplest approach), simply use the words "I wish" followed by whatever it is you want the stone to do. There is no limit to the number of times you can do this, as far as I can divine, but beware for the words of a wish can be reinterpreted but not changed once the breath is over. The stone has great power, but is not unlimited. Changes made will be as if it has always been so, apart from for those within earshot of the wish or out of the range of influence of the stone. This range I estimate at several miles, but I fear I have not been able to determine an exact figure.
I must go now. Use the gift I have given you wisely, and think of me often.
Your friend, always,
Mark stared at the letter in disbelief. He always knew that Jane's father was a bit crazy (his wife always said he was eccentric, not crazy), but this took the cake. Like he (or anyone else, for that matter) would ever believe that a stone could grant wishes.
He looked at the stone again, and then sighed and said "If only it could grant wishes." He paused, then just playing around, not really thinking that it would do anything, he said "I wish I was eating green eggs and ham." He had been looking at his plate of breakfast and suddenly remembered that Dr. Seuss book.
Imagine his surprise when the stone began to glow, causing him to look away, as if there were something in his eye. When he looked back, his breakfast was gone, replaced by ... green eggs and ham. He stared at for a full half minute, not quite believing that it was actually there. Then his gaze moved towards the stone. And he smiled.
"It actually works," he said.