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16. Athena Gets Zoe to Hold Off on

15. Bimbo Filter

14. Zoe Wants to Get Rid of the Go

13. Status Quo Reversed, Sort Of

12. Zoe Changes the Status Quo

11. Zoe Meets Up With Athena

10. The Amnesia Stone

9. The Mysterious Intruder DID In

8. Jon Never Existed

7. The Omission Stone: Karyn's Wi

6. Jon Freaks Out, Karyn Remains

5. Mikey Gets Erased

4. The Next Morning

3. The Omission Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Amnesia Stone (Zoe): Pinktard

avatar on 2010-05-31 20:45:13

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"Wait!" Athena nearly blurted out.

Zoe groaned. "What is it now?" she whined, getting annoyed. If Athena kept on interrupting her like this, she'd never be able to make her wish. It was just one wish! Athena couldn't wait?

Athena felt like cringing at Zoe's words. She almost sounded ditzy. But she couldn't show those feelings. It just wouldn't be how this reality's Athena would act. "School's, like, gonna be starting soon. Maybe you could make your wish later or something."

Zoe checked the time on her "new" pink cellphone. "There's still fifteen minutes left. Are you in a hurry to get to History class? I thought you said it was boring."

"It is," Athena said. "But ..." She had to think of a good reason. A reason that a preppy girl would believe. Then an idea struck her. "There's a lot of hot guys there. I just wanted to get there early to ... uh ... watch them come in."

"Oh," Zoe said. "Okay, I guess that makes sense." She looked down at the stone in her hand. "I guess I could wish for something when we have lunch."

Athena was hoping that Zoe would wait until after school, but a few hours to think of some way to fix this was better than none at all. She nodded to Zoe, who then put the stone and her cellphone into her little pink purse, which she didn't have until a few minutes ago.

The girls stood up and walked towards the school and then entered it, and then walked in different directions. Athena headed to her locker. She had no idea where Zoe was headed.

On her way to her locker, Athena couldn't have been more embarrassed. She still hadn't looked down at herself (she wouldn't dare), but from the air she was feeling on her legs, she could tell that most of them were bare. Athena typically wore long gothic dresses. She almost felt naked right now. And the way her hips swayed back and forth and the way she felt her breasts bounce ... well, it was just distracting and way too disturbing for her. She just wasn't used to this. She tried as hard as she could to walk normally, but she couldn't stop her body from performing its sexy gait.

A couple of guys whistled at her, causing her to turn and glare at them, telling them to fuck off. Well ... at least, that's what she wanted to do. Instead, her body did something else. She turned and smiled at them, then winked and licked her lips seductively, which made them whistle more.

She was so embarrassed.

When she finally got to her locker, she was relieved. The combination was the same, so it opened in no time. Everything inside it obviously belonged to a Prep, but much of the handwriting was hers. This was still her locker. At least something was the same.

She turned and looked over her shoulder, to make sure those two guys who were whistling at her were gone. She needed to bend over to get something out of her locker and she didn't want to give them a show (she still didn't know how skimpy her clothed might be, but she didn't want to take a chance). To her relief, they were gone. But something else caught her eye. And it was enough to turn away from her locker.

It was Sarah McMillan and her best friend Tiffany Sanders. Athena almost didn't recognize them. Both of them were pale-skinned and all dressed in black.

Sarah still had her blond hair, but it was styled so that her hair was pulled back into two pigtails. She wore a black lace corset, which increased her cleavage, a black ripped miniskirt, black and white striped stockings, and black knee-high buckled boots with 4-inch stacks. Around her neck were two spiked collars and on her face and nails was black make-up. She even had piercings in her ears, eyebrow, and nose. It was like nothing Sarah McMillan would have ever been caught dead in.

Her friend Tiffany looked even more different. Gone was the skimpily-dressed slutty girl. Her blond hair had been apparently dyed black and pulled back into a tight bun. Her pale breasts were encased in a black bra, underneath a fishnet shirt. And down below, she wore a black floor-length worn skirt. A choker was around her neck, but unlike Sarah she didn't have any piercings and no dark make-up, except around her eyes. Her demeanor was dark and brooding.

Athena was obviously shocked by their appearance, but she had to admit it. They looked good. And she was about to say so as they passed her. But what came out instead was "Like, get outta here, you freaks." She tried to stop saying it, but Zoe's wish prevented her. Truly, the Athena from this reality would never compliment a Goth.

Sarah stopped and glared at her. Athena had seen that glare before - on the faces of her friends when they shot it towards Sarah and her friends. But now, Sarah was shooting that glance at her. "Shut the fuck up, you fucking pinktard." Then they walked past her.

The word "pinktard" was something that Athena and her friends had come up with to call the Preps. Most (but not all) of the Preps were usually as dumb as rocks and they all liked to wear pink, so it wasn't hard to see where the name came from. But now, she was being called a pinktard. And by Sarah McMillan no less!

She turned back to her locker. She felt like crying. But Zoe's wish prevented her from doing so.

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