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40. They Fight

39. He Cums

38. Souris Breaks

37. Payback

36. Counterattack

35. Souris

34. Thieves' Guild

33. Don't Tell Them

32. Chien Tells Him

31. Chien Couldn't

30. His Name

29. His Origin

28. Take Charge

27. Kill Assassin

26. Time Passes

25. Switch Profiles

24. Plain House

23. Wishbone City

22. Exp. Boost

21. Cover Up


avatar on 2020-05-20 07:34:46

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Despereaux was angry. "When we get back to base, I am going to get comforted so much I'm going to get drained dry inside your ass! You got that Souris!?" he hissed with such venom even I couldn't look at him. Souris looked over at me and said "As long as you two back off and let me kill him, I don't care what happens next". Ange shook his head. "You already know that our orders are to search his home and interrogate him. We can't kill him or take him to base. I know he did something to your head. Just stand down already and we can take care of it" he tried to reason. Souris shook his head and kept glancing at me. "I want- need to kill him! He... he knows too much. He can't keep this over me. This Yieldless is dangerous!" he mumbled. Despereaux chuckled and said "He got to you too huh? At least you're not turning traitor like the others. Of course he knows too much. That's why we were sent here. To find out what he knows and find the others". He then raised a hand to Souris. "Do not resist. I'm putting you to sleep. For your own good" he smirked and began to chant a spell.

Souris grabbed his wrist and twisted it before he yanked him closer. Souris swept Despereaux's legs from under him and sent him crashing to the floor. "What in the fuck do you think you're doing? I can have you whipped for this!" Despereaux said from the floor as he glared up at Souris. Souris still had him in a wristlock. "Let me have this one thing" he glared down at Despereaux. Ange leveled his broadsword to Souris' neck. "Stop it! This is treasonous Souris. It doesn't make any sense. Stand down now and you won't lose your life!" he said seriously. Souris sucked his teeth and kicked the hilt of Despereaux's sword from the floor to his hand with a flick of his foot. It was easily caught and he bat the sword at his throat away. "If you want to stop me, you can try, but I'm killing him right now" he declared before he turned to me. I got up and dodged his first strike. I eqipped my thieves' guild attire for the armor boost and used my rapier. Despereaux and Ange ran in between us. I was needed alive after all. They both had broadswords of their own.

Ange and Despereaux did their best to defeat and restrain Souris. It seemed the ranks had some meaning as Souris was beating them. Even naked as he was, he was holding his own against the two. It seemed that they really were outmatched in swordplay. None of them were using magic I noticed. Most of the furniture I owned in the house was indestructible. The table and the chair would be fine. I was much more worried about the walls getting scratches and a broken cloak stand. The art could be ruined as well, but that could always be replaced. Souris was on a focused mission of getting to me. The others were trying to stop him. Ange was taking a fully defensive approach to the fight. Despereaux was much more aggressive. As time went on and they lowered each others health, I decided to make my move. With my level, I had already went down the thief class skill tree. I was wondering which skills to take. I already took the ability to climb up buildings. I also took "Sneak Attack" which doubled damage when the enemy did not expect it.

I was wondering whether to take "Slippery" which gave a 10% chance to halve damage I take, or "Backstab which added 25% damage when attacking an opponents back". I decided that this was one of those times where fortune would favor the bold. I took Backstab and waited for my moment. Eventually, the numbers game caught up to Souris and he was subdued by Despereaux and Ange. "You're dead for this. I don't care what Ange says. It is going straight into my report. You are a traitor that turned your blade against your own unit" Despereaux said. Ange looked remorseful. "I can't help you anymore. I'm so sorry. I swear I will find out what happened here and avenge you for this" he said as he looked down. Souris looked at me with bloodshot eyes. He was doing his best to hold back his tears. Ange and Despereaux both had their backs to me. They were focused on what they thought was the greater threat. I could take either of them out with a well placed strike. I took a deep breath and sprung into action towards my target.

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