The First attempt had been god awful, Amber had showed him his reflection in her compact, and she looked like a clown. Sarah had hip wipe it off and try again
this time he took it much slower, but that led to having a trembling hand and his lips weren't coated smoothly, he wiped it off again.
this time he confidently coated his upper lip then went over his lower lips, pursing them as he did.
Jenna thought they looked pretty good but Sarah and Amber looked disappointed.
"Smile Jenna..." Amber said flatly
Jenna does so and see lipstick has gotten all over his teeth
"Oh no..." he trailed off, he hadn't known that was an issue girl's had.
"I'm disappointed Jon..." Sarah started
"Jenna!" Jon quickly corrected
"I'm disappointed Jenna, you've been wearing lipstick all morning and still can't put it on, I thought you were on your way to becoming a woman but it looks like you'd rather be a Stupid Sissy, Amber I'll leave the rest to you.
"Well Since Sarah gave you your top, it feels only logical to flip that rule, she grabs your notebook and adds a note
- I am not allowed to wear men's shirts. SISSY RULE
Amber went fishing through her bag and pulled out something awful,
"Alright Sissy, this is your new top
Amber held out a top that just screamed Sissy, a garishly pink satiny top with white lace frills around the sleeves and, there was text in girlish writing saying "I Love Boys"
"Oh god... please don't make me wear that, I'm sorry for messing up the lipstick, you can give me two new rules instead of one or something... that top... its too..." he trailed off not finding the words.
"Too Perfect for a Sissy Boy like you Jenna? Now take off your top and put this on, Sissy's wear pink satin tops, not a cute black ones.
Jon felt his resistance fade away and he obliged, stripping down to just his stuffed bra and slipping his arms into the overly girlish pink sleeves of his new top.
"Now Jenna... where were we, I've got my own rule for you...