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10. First quest

9. Decline Service

8. Walk of Shame

7. No Help

6. Intense Inspection

5. Entering the City

4. Enter – Epic City

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

The First Quest

avatar on 2020-05-03 12:54:35

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Suzie was already level 9. There were a set of starter classes that a play could choose from. It was then up to the player to grow stronger and achieve certain conditions to advance into higher tiered classes. For example, at level 10 in the rouge class, she could choose between following a bunch of thieves or joining a den of assassins as an apprentice. From there, there will be their own skill trees for the new class. Suzie took me to where I could buy a pass to come and go as I please from the city. When we were in the open she led me down a path where enemies spawned in. She taught me the ropes by telling me about all the weapons I had and how to use them in combat. I was able to kill some slimes and goblins for a few hours. I reached level 2 in no time. I looked around and saw Suzie had wandered of at some point. I looked around for her. When I saw her she was engaging a red, large goblin. One was already on the ground.

We had formed a party and I was benefitting from her success. She was hard carrying me. I wanted to get stronger and more confident so we could do more things together. "These are Goblin Champions. They spawn after a dozen goblins have been killed in an area" she explained as she ran to me. I held my glaive and we faced it together. Suzie made sure to grab the aggro as I slashed at it with the glaive and threw my javelins. My stats were not that high even though I had specialties for them. It meant I still had to work for my kills. Throwing them long distances was a big task and I winded up missing all but one. Suzie was keeping it at bay as I fumbled around. I drew my sword and charged in. With a mighty yell, I stabbed it through his heart. Suzie cheered for me. I felt really good. Suzie wiped her brow and said "Well, that is basically it. You need to work more on combat, but I'm tired right now. We can also start with doing some quests in the city".

I nodded and followed her back. Bardolf and Ancelin were still on duty. I was scared about what they would say. Bardolf had just raped me a few hours earlier. When we approached them, Bardolf lewdly looked me and down then at Suzie. He had less interest in her it seemed. "What are you doing back here? Get kicked out of the city already? And you, knife ears? Probably up to no good, I bet" Bardolf smirked. Suzie glared at him and showed her papers. I did the same. Ancelin looked us up and down and said "You know what, I think they might be able to help us with that problem of ours. I wouldn't hurt to ask". Bardolf scoffed and said "Fine. Ask them if you want to so badly". Ancelin took a deep breath and said "We have a big problem from reports we are getting from the immigrants from Plussel and Minusal villages. We have reason to believe they are being held captive. If you went for us and reported back, we could act on it".

A popup notice appeared. The quest was to investigate the two villages. It was six stars. "This is a pretty good quest. I don't know if its going to be okay for you though" she said. Four stars meant there was going to be some combat involved. This was six stars. I didn't mind at all. I wanted to try. It my first quest and, from how it sounded, it might lead to a quest line. She sighed and she accepted it. "Okay. This is going to be hard to do with just two people" she said. "The best way to learn is to go for it" I said. She smiled and accepted the quest for us. "Well, you got two weeks for this. Come to the garrison once you find the problem. Someone will be sent back with you to help make the arrests if needed" Ancelin said. Bardolf scoffed again with his arms behind his head. "Don't expect much from them. For all we know, they could be part of it" he said. Suzie and I entered the city. "We need to go to the mercenary guild. You can pay for NPC companions to join us."

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