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26. Alterations are made

25. She takes it poorly

24. Adjustments

23. Going one for one

22. Jon makes his move

21. What happened to you Jon?

20. (Empty)

19. Jennifer tries on a dress

18. bra fitting

17. New Clothes

16. Very Bad

15. Let the fun begin

14. Jennifer understands

13. Jennifer get Karyn

12. Task one

11. Jon does ten tasks of women

10. no male orgasm

9. fixes problem

8. Jon gets excited

7. You know what they say about a

Karyn One-ups Jon

avatar on 2020-05-01 19:12:18

1482 hits, 165 views, 4 upvotes.

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He took the stone and said "I wish that for one week I would be a drider. I wish that everyone would think it was normal for me to be a drider and would treat me no differently than if I was a human." It was the exact same wish she had made. Normally, she could make crazy wishes if she was left unchecked. The stone glowed and the light enveloped him. When he was finished he looked at himself. He was himself only with a brown widow body for a lower half. His abdomen was brown with orange circles. He noticed that he was much smaller than Karyn. He knew that this was due to the fact the for widow spiders, women were the dominant sex. Females even went so far as to eat males after mating.

Jon sighed out loud absentmindedly. Jon glared at her and said "See!? Even as driders, girls have it better. Look how much bigger you are." He was frustrated. Even after everything that happened, he was still weaker and she was over him. Karyn just rolled her eyes at him and said "You could just wish to have a female body for your lower half." That would solve his problem. 'Does it matter when I'm going to be a spider?' he asked in his thoughts. It took a moment before he sighed. "I wish my lower half was female." He felt his body grow and change. Karyn took the stone from him and smiled. "I'm not really into this, but I think this will be a good lesson for you." Jon tried to get the stone but she said "I wish for the time you are a drider, everyone treats you as if you've always had been a sexy girl."

Karyn then smirked and said "I wish Jon would not be able to escape this by changing time to get out of the wish. I hope this will give you a taste on what it means to be a girl." Jon, at first, was stunned in confusion. Then, he found that he was boiling with rage and held out his hand and said "How the hell did you know! That shouldn't be possible." Karyn said "You knew what I was going to do way before I did it. You said 'Not again' just now." She let him have it and said "I'll be here with you. Nothing that bad is going to happen." She reached for his shoulder, but he slapped it away harshly. Being tricked once again was a bitter pill to swallow. "I wish I was alone in my room." he ground out. The stone flashed bright and he was gone.

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