Jon smiled and thought about the date. He liked being taken out and cared for. As far as he was concerned, it only proved girls have it easier. He didn't like all the staring and catcalling. However that did bring something to his mind. He held his stone and said "I wish that Yuu fell in love with me and wanted to protect me with his life." He went to bed and woke up in the morning. Jon was startled to see Yuu standing over his bed. Yuu had a blush on his face as he reached put to cup Jon's cheek. He then began to palm at his chest and coo. Jon let him do it for a few minutes before he gently pushed him off. Yuu smiled. Jon saw that Yuu was still naked. Jon opened up his closet and dressed Yuu. Yuu's feminine frame meant the jeans barely fit over his hips and plump butt. He also gave Yuu a blue cotton t-shirt. Jon then pet his head gently and said "I wish Robin and Lie had tight leather pants and leather shirts that were just sleeves. Yuu giggled and followed Jon on his way to school.
At school, the talk of the town was the explosion. No one knew what happened and there was the expected mix of reactions. Some were very curious about it. Others were scared and nervous because of it. There were even some that had some their own crazy theories about what was going on. Jon made sure to hold onto Yuu so he didn't stray and commit any crime. Yuu pouted when he was pulled back from something that caught his interest. Karyn looked at him with a sly smirk and said "How did your date go with Orion? He looked pissed when he was on the field for practice." Jon told her what happened and she looked at him before bursting into laughter. "Y-you didn't!" she said before she doubled over and began laughing again. Jon laughed as well. When they finished and took time to look around Yuu was no longer next to them. Jon looked nervous and said "I wish Yuu was back by my side." Yuu appeared next to him. He looked confused, but nuzzled closer to Jon.
Karyn sighed and said "I wish that I had a boyfriend that looked at me like that. Jon rolled his eyes and said "Girls have it so much easier than guys. Guys just flock to you." Karyn said "Yeah right! You really think we want all those horny guys pressing up on us." Jon held his stone and said "I wish a green haired boy that was Karyn's perfect fantasy for a boy came out from the ether. I wish that the boy had the power to produce and emit poison from their body. I wish they could also make and control ice at will." Another rip appeared and the boy stepped through. He was athletic and 6 foot 2. "I wish he answered to Koi and was madly in love with Karyn." She smiled and said "Wow. Thanks." Jon said "Just wait. I wish Instead of a cock, Koi had a pussy. I wish that Koi still knew exactly how to satisfy Karyn in every way. Still think you have the high horse?" Koi snuggled up to her and she looke disappointed. "Listen. A guy made me cum, so Koi can make you cum too."
She looked at him and said "Fine! I'm more open minded." Jon wished that he wore a similar outfit to Yuu. Instead of a blue t-shirt, Koi had a black one. "I wish that Koi was enrolled in school as one of Karyn's classmates." he added. It was then that the bell rang. "Time for class. See you later." Kayrn said as she dragged Koi along with her. When they got to the classroom, Jon wished people didn't think Yuu's babbling or outbursts were weird in any way. He was introduced to the class at the beginning of class. Orion stood up in anger. "Get out of here! You can't let him in the school." Others looked at him like he was crazy. Orion then glared at Jon. "You cannot be serious about this." Jon rolled his eyes and said "You don't need to worry about him. I'll look after him." Class began and Orion fumed in his seat until lunch. Jon thought that there needed to be a new challenge. He held the stone and whispered "I wish Mouse was back to life and attacking the school. I wish that Mouse knew about Orion's powers but not his weakness."