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14. Zoe Finds Jon

13. Add 10% of Zoe

12. Zoe Spies On Karyn

11. Zoe and Athena

10. Add 10% of Kyla Leeson

9. 90% Karyn, 10% Sarah

8. Karyn Hides From Jon

7. Add 10% of Steve Farber

6. Jon Meets Up With Karyn

5. Add Another 10% of Zoe

4. 90% Jon, 10% Zoe

3. The Mimicry Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Mimicry Stone: No Anger Anchor

avatar on 2009-01-10 19:51:06

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Jon grabbed the front of David Wilson's shirt.

"Tell me where Karyn is, you fucking asshole!" Jon yelled at him.

"I told you, she walked down the hall. I don't know where she went. But she was in a hurry," David said, his voice shaky.

Jon let him go. "You better not be fucking lying to me." Then he walked off.

David sat on the ground, stunned. A girl and boy walked over and helped him up. "What the hell was that all about?" the boy asked.

As Jon walked down the hall, he sneered at people. Why were people always staring at him? Why don't they just piss off?


He turned around. It was his sister Zoe.

"What the fuck do you want?"

Zoe was stunned. If she didn't know any better, she'd think that he was trying talk like her. He even had the same inflections.

The thing was, unlike Zoe, Jon's perturbed attitude had no "anchor". Zoe's other personality traits allowed her to focus her anger towards certain people or situations. Like people like Sarah and her friends, who she thought of as conformists. But with Jon, it was just generalized anger, which ended up making him hate everyone and caused him to become extremely paranoid.

"You're looking for Karyn, right? I can take you to her."

"Okay. That's better. Finally someone's giving me a little fucking help."

Zoe lead Jon away, in the direction of where she saw Karyn go.

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