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13. Add 10% of Zoe

12. Zoe Spies On Karyn

11. Zoe and Athena

10. Add 10% of Kyla Leeson

9. 90% Karyn, 10% Sarah

8. Karyn Hides From Jon

7. Add 10% of Steve Farber

6. Jon Meets Up With Karyn

5. Add Another 10% of Zoe

4. 90% Jon, 10% Zoe

3. The Mimicry Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Mimicry Stone: 70% Karyn, 10% Sarah, 10% Kyla, 10% Zoe

avatar on 2009-01-10 19:23:37

1025 hits, 75 views, 0 upvotes.

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Karyn looked down the hall at Sarah walking away. She was so glad her wish worked. Now Sarah and her were the best of friends. It was everything she ever hoped for, but never imagined she'd ever have. If she just wasn't so shy ...

"Karyn," Zoe said, walking towards her from behind.

Karyn knew that voice. It belonged to Jon's stupid sister Zoe. The girl was totally disgusting, even worse than the typical loser. Corsets, fishnets, ripped skirts? Ugh. Girls should always look pretty, not like they just woke up from a graveyard. But there was one thing about Zoe that was redeeming.

As Karyn turned her head towards Zoe, she caught a glimpse of herself in her locker door mirror.

"Karyn, have you seen Jon?" Zoe asked.

"Oh, Zoe. Thank god you're here. Do you have any lipstick?"


"Lipstick. Do you have any?"

"Yeah, but it's black."

"Just the kind I want."

Zoe was clearly confused. What was wrong with Karyn? She's dressed like a prep, friends with Sarah, and now she wants her goth make-up? She was beginning to think that whatever happened to Jon was also happening to Karyn.

She hesitantly gave Karyn her black lipstick, and then watched as Karyn actually applied it to her lips.

"For some reason, I forgot to put it on this morning," Karyn said.

"But you don't wear lipstick, and definitely not black lipstick."

"What are you talking about? I always wear black lipstick." She gave the tube back to Zoe, then asked for eyeliner.

"What?" Zoe was continually stunned. If this was some sort of practical joke on her, it was going a little too far. If anything, the joke would be on Karyn more than Zoe.


Zoe gave it to her.


When she was done, her face looked much more gothic, which was in sharp contrast to her preppy clothes. She looked down at her nails. "Damn, I forgot to do my nails too? I must have been really out of it this morning." She looked up at Zoe. "Just because I wear the same make-up as you, that doesn't make us friends, you know. I'd prefer it if you stay out of my way. I can't let you mess up my friendship with Sarah and the other preps."

She closed her locker and walked off.

Zoe could only stare. What exactly just happened? Karyn was worried about Zoe messing up her friendship? The make-up would do that for her.

Unknown to Karyn, she picked up Zoe's love for black gothic make-up. She actually thought it was normal for her to be wearing it.

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