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12. Zoe Spies On Karyn

11. Zoe and Athena

10. Add 10% of Kyla Leeson

9. 90% Karyn, 10% Sarah

8. Karyn Hides From Jon

7. Add 10% of Steve Farber

6. Jon Meets Up With Karyn

5. Add Another 10% of Zoe

4. 90% Jon, 10% Zoe

3. The Mimicry Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Mimicry Stone: Making New Friends

avatar on 2009-01-10 18:51:58

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Zoe walked down the hall in the direction of where Athena said Jon was. From what she told her, he was acting all insane and almost paranoid. This certainly sounded nothing like her brother. Yeah, he could get angry like the best of them, but not like this.

On her way, she spotted Jon's friend Karyn. She was standing at her locker, looking down the hall. It was odd, but she never remembered Karyn wearing such preppy clothes before. She was, of course, not into that sort of thing. Zoe walked up to her, meaning to ask her about Jon. When she got close enough, she heard her say something.

"I wish Sarah thought I was her friend," Karyn said, timidly.

Why would she want that? Zoe thought. She saw a flash of light, but didn't see where it came from. Was someone taking a picture?

From down the hall, Zoe saw Sarah McMillan stop walking suddenly. Her friends kept walking on without her. Sarah turned around and walked in Karyn's direction. There was something definitely strange about all of this, but Zoe couldn't put her finger on it. She dashed around a corner and spied on them.

As Sarah approached, Karyn smiled. "Hi, Sarah."

Sarah smiled too. "Hi, Karyn."

They were acting like friends. What was going on here? Karyn wasn't friends with Sarah. And Sarah was most definitely not friends with Karyn.

Zoe waited until Sarah walked away, then she approached Karyn.

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