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11. Zoe and Athena

10. Add 10% of Kyla Leeson

9. 90% Karyn, 10% Sarah

8. Karyn Hides From Jon

7. Add 10% of Steve Farber

6. Jon Meets Up With Karyn

5. Add Another 10% of Zoe

4. 90% Jon, 10% Zoe

3. The Mimicry Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Mimicry Stone: Zoe and Athena

avatar on 2009-01-09 21:33:21

1421 hits, 82 views, 0 upvotes.

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Zoe was sitting on the crumbling retention wall, just outside the high school. She turned around and saw her best friend Athena walking towards her, wearing her usual clothes: a black lace gothic dress, a dark brown corset, and fishnet gloves, appearing tragic and beautiful all at the same time.

"Hi, Athena."

"Did you hear about your brother?"

"What about him?"

"He's on a rampage through the school."

Zoe focused on her friend. Maybe she didn't quite hear what she thought she said. "Did you say rampage?"

"Yeah, believe it or not. You've gotta see it for yourself."

Zoe hopped off the wall and went to check it out. But not out of concern, just out of curiosity.

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