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7. Add 10% of Steve Farber

6. Jon Meets Up With Karyn

5. Add Another 10% of Zoe

4. 90% Jon, 10% Zoe

3. The Mimicry Stone

2. Switched Stones

1. You Are What You Wish

The Mimicry Stone: 70% Jon, 20% Zoe, 10% Steve

avatar on 2009-01-09 16:31:00

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Right when Jon made the wish, he mimicked 10% of the personality of someone walking by. That person was Steve "The Stud" Farber, a guy infamously known for his womanizing and vanity.

Jon walked back to Karyn.

"Jon, what is wrong with you? Have you lost your mind?" Karyn asked.

"What are you talking about?" As he looked at her, his eyes wondered down to her breasts, which were much more noticeable, since she was wearing a tighter shirt that day. A leer appeared on his face.

"Jon, you're scaring me."

"I don't know why, baby," he said, reaching up and feeling one of her breasts through her shirt.

Karyn slapped him across the face. "Keep your hands off me!"

Jon's eyes burned with anger, as he grabbed her throat. "Why, you little bitch."

Karyn hit him again, this time in his gut, causing him to double over. When he fell to the ground, she saw the wishing stone roll out of his hand. The wishing stone! Karyn thought. Jon must have made some kind of wish to make himself like this. She bent down and scooped it up, not realizing that it was actually the Mimicry Stone. Hopefully I can undo some of the damage and get Jon back to normal.

When Jon finally got up, he noticed that the stone was gone. "That fucking bitch. She took it," he muttered. Jon didn't even know why he was ever friends with someone like that.

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