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18. The next morning

17. Finishing up for the evening

16. Tidying up before bed

15. Time For Bed

14. The McMillans Need Help

13. Dinner Time

12. Laundry

11. Miss Fine Meets Her Next Clien

10. Setting up the next visit

9. Finishing up

8. Time Loss

7. Studying Jon

6. The Next Step

5. Studying the Family

4. The Cleaner

3. A wish for something interesti

2. Heading Home

1. You Are What You Wish

The Cleaner: The Next Morning

avatar on 2020-04-18 11:15:18

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The next morning, Linda woke up and got dressed. As she was getting ready for the day, she heard sounds of movement supposedly coming from her children. She heard the shower running from their shared bathroom and the sound of someone heading downstairs. This was odd for Linda as normally she was the first one up and had to wake up her children.

After her shower, she got dressed and headed downstairs. The sight of all three bedroom doors being open confirmed her suspicions. Peering into each one of them, she saw that Mikey’s bedroom was empty, he must be in the shower, Jon’s was also empty meaning that he must be downstairs and Zoe was sitting at her vanity table.

To Linda’s surprise, Zoe had opted for a more, conservative look. Well, as conservative as one could get with Zoe’s wardrobe. It was still all black, but it lacked the overly gothic look about her appearance. There were no fishnet stockings, something that had become a bit of a staple in Zoe’s outfit, no gloves, and no black boots. Instead, she had opted for a simple black t-shirt and a short black skirt and shoes that Linda hadn’t seen her daughter wear for years.

As for her make-up, Zoe had ditched the heavy goth make-up and gone for a minimal look. Unless you knew that she had it on, you would say that she wasn’t wearing any it looked so natural. Her hair was hanging loosely over her shoulders and looked a little messy. Overall, Linda approved of her daughter’s new look. She took it as a sign that Zoe was finally getting out of her Goth phase.

Zoe looked up and saw her mother’s reflection in her mirror and smiled.

“Oh hey, mom!” She chirped. That was another thing that shocked Linda, normally Zoe was grumpy in the mornings. She was grumpy any time of the day, but particularly so in the mornings.

“How’d you sleep?” Zoe asked her mother.

“Fine, thanks,” Linda replied, a little automatically as she was still taken aback by Zoe’s appearance.

“Are you feeling ok?” Linda asked, eyeing Zoe’s outfit.

“Of course,” Zoe replied and then she noticed her mother appraising her outfit. “Oh, this? I just thought that I could do with a change. I’m planning on going shopping after school to get some new outfits. Want to come?”
Linda blinked.

“Um, sure.” Maybe she could use this as an opportunity to find out what’s going on with her children. “I’ll pick you up after school.”

Zoe smiled. She finished getting ready and then followed her mother downstairs where they found Jon. The table had been set for breakfast and Jon was preparing sandwiches. He greeted his mother and sister with a smile.
“Good morning mother, Zoe.”

“Morning bro,” Zoe replied warmly. Zoe and Jon seemed to be acting nicer to each other which was odd. Normally Zoe would just grunt and glare at her brother.

Linda just shrugged her shoulders and sat down at the table. They were joined moments later by Mikey who similarly greeted them all, chirpy and with a smile.

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