Tiffany Sanders looked at herself admiringly in the mirror...perhaps for a bit too long. Tiffany loved how she looked, and loved how others loved how she looked. She didn't concern herself with much else than her own pleasure and needs. Deep thinking was simply not something she did much of.
One minute, she was finishing up her makeup...the next moment her whole room had changed. All of her pink walls, pink curtains, furniture, and beauty products were gone.
When she looked back in the mirror, she was shocked. She was...plain. It was like every beautiful thing about her had been stripped. Her perfect body was now...well, she wasn't obese, but she was chubby. She was shorter, and wore glasses...not thick ones, but...
"What happened to me?" she said, and covered her mouth. Her voice was soft, and hardly the sexy one she'd thought she had before.
She was wearing a faded blouse and an unflattering long skirt.
Tiffany had never noticed dweeb girls like the one she'd become. They just faded into the background for most people...but they were always around, leading quiet, somewhat socially awkward lives...practically invisible to everyone but the few they felt comfortable with.
She couldn't go to school like this...not that anyone would recognize her. She sat and began to cry. She'd been