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9. First Quest

8. Begin an Adventure

7. Saved by NPCs

6. Intense Inspection

5. Entering the City

4. Enter – Epic City

3. Beginners Luck

2. Let's try this out

1. The Future of Gaming

Smuggling Den

avatar on 2020-04-06 10:04:35

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That made me feel wary. I had already been assaulted by one. It just meant that I was just going to need to get stronger. Suzie led me to the southern quadrant of the city. "This is where the criminals are. If I remember it right..." she trailed of as she looked around. She then stopped at a corner as she leaned out cautiously. "That's them over there, David. Now all we have to do is get the guards from the garrison and help kick their ass" she said. I nodded and we left the alley the way we came. We went to the garrison at the gate and the captain sent three of them with us. They joined our party. Suzie took us back down and we sprung out to catch them off guard. "You're under arrest for all the smuggling you've been doing. Come quietly and surrender" the guards said. There were ten of them. The leader drew his sword and said "You will never take us alive!". He and all the smugglers engaged us in combat.

I saw it coming so I was ready for them. I fought them with my glaive. I galloped into a group and swung my glaive with my full force. I was able to get a cool kill that way. It was a clean decapitation. From there, I slashed at one more and he went down as well. It did made them focus on me though. Four of them tried to surround me, but I kept them at bay with the glaive. It made me regret being so flashy as they all ganged up on me. The hacked and slashed at me until Suzie and the guards could get to me. I was seriously low on HP. She tossed me a vial with red liquid. "Drink it. It will heal you" she instructed. I uncorked it and drank the contents down. I could feel my body heal and my strength return. We finished the last of the bandits and the ones who were still alive were arrested. The guards tied them up and asked if they could put them on my back. I agreed because not only would it go faster, but the optics would look great.

We took the surviving five back to the garrison. The captain was a bit suspicious we completed the task so quickly, but shook his head. "It doesn't matter. The ring is destroyed and it won't return for some time. What are your names. I'll commend you in the logs for your good service to Epic City" he said. We gave them our names and walked off. The popup telling us we cleared the mission appeared. I leveled up and so did Suzie. She cheered and pumped her fists in the air. "I've got to go. You should look around for more simple quests. I'll be trying to go for the assassin class. I have to do it alone" she said excitedly. "Sure. I'll catch up with you later. I already found some quests" I replied as I started walking toward the eastern quadrant. She waved me off and disappeared. When I made back to the church it was evening. I then got the 3 hour time warning that reminded me that I only had wanted to play for six.

Seeing the church in the distance, I picked up the pace. When I got there, I went to the barracks and looked around. Neither were outside so I went to the entrance and called for them. One of the NPC knights came to meet me with his hand on the hilt of his sword. "What business do you have here?" he demanded. I told them about Emeric and Macey. He rubbed his chin and said "Oh yes. The new recruits. They told me about your... situation. I'll be frank and say that we do not enjoy time wasted on heathens here. We paladins are the sword and shield of our faith" I nodded. "How do you convert? I'm new in the city and I don't mind joining". He glared and instinctively gripped the hilt of his blade. "This is not something you can just join on a whim. I find it offensive that you would think it is something so cheap" he snapped. I apologized. I didn't want a fight with the paladin. "I understand. You are ignorant of these things. I will call them down. Do not waste their time."

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