"We then contacted your parents. They should be here any minute, so don't worry."
Biff's eyes went wide. No! It was exactly what he was trying to avoid. Now he really needed to get out of there!
His mother was a rather traditional housewife, and his dad was a businessman, always looking to make a deal. Before he'd gone into business, he'd been an athlete like Biff. He didn't want his Dad baking cookies and his Mom...well, to be honest, he didn't know what his Mom would do if she worked more... He frowned. He loved her, but he suddenly, amidst all of this, realized...he didn't really know what she was interested in, other than being his Mom.
Biff wasn't known as a very deep guy...but he was having a profound moment of insight. Fortunately for him, or unfortunately...the person who walked into the room was not either of his parents.