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10. Liam and Jerry to the Rescue

9. Shut the fuck up

8. Ride Bus

7. Next Day

6. Shapeshift

5. Equines

4. Not Here

3. Jon's Most Secret Fantasy (2)

2. They each sleep on it

1. You Are What You Wish

Enlisting Help

avatar on 2020-03-23 13:51:06

1248 hits, 99 views, 2 upvotes.

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Liam and Jerry were holding Dustin's arms down. He was still in agony on the infirmary bed as he tried to clutch and scratch at his throat. The school custodian had used his keys to let them in. "The nurse is supposed to be in the infirmary in a half hour. Wait here for them to come in." he said before locking them inside the room. Dustin was making strange and garbled noises from his throat. "Chill out already, Dustin! It can't be that bad. You weren't this bad on the bus. You'll only make it worse." Liam said trying to calm him down. Jerry was doing the same thing. They looked at each other over his writhing body. "This isn't going to work. We have to snatch that stone back." Jerry blinked and frowned. "He already made a wish that we can't take it." Liam shook his head. "All I need to do is touch it to make a wish." Jerry jumped up and cracked his fingers. "Let's go then! Dustin's going to kill himself at this rate." Dustin glared and shoved a middle finger in his face. Liam sighed and said "We'll be back for you. Don't do anything crazy." As they headed for the door Dustin reached for them and spat out a mouthful of blood. It was then that Liam caught on to what had happened. "Asshole! Have you been trying to talk all this time! No wonder it hurts so bad. Be quiet and let us handle it." he said.

The school had three part time nurses. Henry Powell, Owen Gillborn, and Kathrine Sabine were all former students of the principal when he had taught English. The three were friends and left together to go to a med school in the big city. Unfortunately for them, they were not able to hack it. They were certainly competent, but not enough for any major breaks and certainly not enough to justify living in the city in a small apartment as roommates. As it set in, they settled and became nurse practitioners instead. They were able to open their own practice, but they didn't have the money to start one. So, they worked in the local hospital and supplemented their income as the nurses on staff. While well respected in their small town, they never could shake the disappointment and bitterness from their personal failures. The had an unapproachable air about them as a result. Nurse Powell wanted to be a pediatric physician. He came in on Mondays and Tuesdays every week. Nurse Gillborn had training in cardiology. Nurse Sabine drew the best role. She got to come in on Fridays. She wanted to be a big hepatologist, a doctor who specialized in the liver, gall-bladder and pancreas.

Jerry and Liam left the infirmary and searched for someone to help. They weren't stupid. They knew there was nothing a nurse could do for him. Seeing as Dustin was making it worse and bled all over the floor and his bed, he would be sent to the hospital as soon as Nurse Powell got in. They needed to find the stone. From what they knew of Jon, he wasn't the type to keep something valuable in his pockets. There were a lot of thieves in their class that year. That meant that there would be a high likelihood it was in his locker. The question was who would be the best to help. As they searched the halls, they saw several options. There was Jesse, the resident drug dealer, who had a copy of the custodian's master key. They also saw Danny, the skate freak who could open any locker by banging on it. How it was possible, no one knew. Alan and Sam were benchwarmers on the football team that would be very willing do a favor for Dustin. Any of the options would do, but they would probably want something in return. Taking them might also mean exposing them to the wishing stone. The last thing anyone wanted was a loser messing everything up or becoming competition for the stone later.

Ultimately, they decided to approach...

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