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18. Peace at the Table

17. Biff Eats, and Leonard Comes H

16. Biff Bluffs

15. Leonard Goes to Melissa Smith'

14. Not Far To Go

13. Biff Goes to Leonard Drullers'

12. Fixing the Problem

11. Melony Goes Home and Jon Meets

10. The Petite Football Player

9. It's Melony Tyne's Bedroom

8. Jon Gets Dressed (2)

7. Zoe's Room

6. Jon Takes a Shower

5. Clothes Make the Man...or Woma

4. The Idea

3. Leave me alone!

2. Little brother's turn

1. You Are What You Wish

Musical Closets Variation: Peace at the Table

on 2020-02-27 01:32:57

1704 hits, 141 views, 2 upvotes.

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"Oh, honey, there you are. I was just having a pleasant conversation with your friend," Leonard's mother said.

"My friend?" Leonard asked. What was Biff up to?

"Yes, Biff has been a perfect gentleman. Would you like something to eat?"

"I'm not really hungry, Mom," he said, looking at Biff gobbling up food...that was enough to make him lose his appetite.

"I like that color on you, dear," Mrs. Drullers said. "Now, sit down and join us."

"Yeah, Leonard," Biff said. "Join us." Biff was really enjoying the food, and saying anything about how he really felt about Leonard would stop that.

Meanwhile, Melissa Smith found herself suddenly dressed in a horrible flowered dress. She muttered to herself in surprise...everything was blurry. "Whose glasses are these?" She muttered, taking them off.

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