As the glow subsided, Jon looked around, before finally passing out again due to exhaustion.
The next thing Jon heard were voices. Everything was muffled, and she was having trouble focusing on it. She couldn't see anything, so either it was dark or she was blindfolded.
"Why won't you tell us?" one female voice asked.
"Why does it matter?" another female voice that was clearly Sarah. "To make our new squad member, there had to be a sacrifice...Someone had to pay the price." She laughed. "No one said it had to be one of us. Not like anyone is going to die or anything."
Jon wasn't quite sure what that meant. But somewhere out there, someone would be paying a price that Sarah was supposed to pay. And considering what she thought Sarah deserved, it probably wouldn't be good.
She lapsed back into sleep. Whatever they'd given her, it was powerful.