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29. To the gym?

28. Lay of the Land

27. Security Part 2

26. Metamorphosis: Security

25. The Doctor is In

24. Freak-Out

23. Earlier, again...

22. Little Sister

21. Going Bad

20. Lauren Levine

19. back to Linda

18. The Lower School

17. New Student

16. there was mention of assistant

15. End of Forth Period

14. the school's changes

13. The Spanish Teacher Needs a Fa

12. Biff will never learn...

11. Lunch 2 (fixed)

10. Earlier That Day 2

Metamorphosis: An Old Friend

on 2018-03-24 10:45:56
Episode last modified by Reticulus on 2018-03-26 19:11:15

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"Wait, you were talking about a Madison Jones?" Linda asked Eve, who blushed a bit in return. There was something about her name that rang a bell...besides the fact that her first name was Linda's last name.

"Oh, Madison?" Eve replied sheepishly. "She's in...she's in gym right now. I think." She turned down the hall to, presumably, where the location of the gym was. Linda couldn't help but notice that Eve definitely knew the answer, but didn't want to seem too knowledgeable about Madison's schedule.

“The gym! That's a greyt idea! You'll nee t' know wer that is if yer gun be on t' vollaba' team, after all. Come on!” With that, Deidre starting pulling Linda along before she could even process what she just heard. Volleyball team?

Linda eventually wrestled free of Deidre's strong grip, but still managed to follow her speed, with Eve trailing behind. A few minutes later, they were a few steps away from the double doors to an outside path that apparently led to the gym, when suddenly the boy's bathroom door to the side opened up.

A young man that looks to be about Deidre and Eve's age came walking out and past Linda and her companions fairly quickly. In the few seconds she got to look at him, he noticed that he was fairly well built, with brown eyes and a masculine face...but his hair was shoulder length and looked as though he'd just conditioned it.

Linda shuddered to think how long he had before he'd be a she.

“Thanks for the bite, Lucas! See ya later!” An exquisitely dressed young lady called out from the women's room before stepping out into the hallway and wiping her lips. She was wearing a black dress that left nothing to the imagination and high heels, and she had the most endowed figure Linda had ever seen on a teenage girl. Well, besides Deidre.

The girl with long blonde hair looked over at the three of them, smiled, then walked towards them. “Oh hey, girls! I see you've added a third to your duo here!” Linda noticed Eve seem to shy away from this new girl's overpowered presence.

“Oh hey, Karyn! Enjoy toyin' with Lucas in there?” Deidre say with a grin. “Oh, where ah my mannas? Linda, 'tis Karyn Black. Karyn, 'tis Linda...don't tink I caughtta last name, lassie?”

“...Madison,” Linda stammered out. This was Karyn Black?! Jon's best friend?! Maybe she'd know where he was... “Karyn, it's me, Linda. Jon's mother. Do you know where he is?”

“Don't think I've ever met ya before, sorry. Or this Jon fella. Is he hot? I'm always looking for another guy to pounce on, if you catch my drift.” She winked at Linda before turning to Deidre. “Hey, how's my hair look? I think Lucas messed it up in there while I was going down on him.”

Deidre laughed. “'Tis fine, Karyn. But if ya want ta' borrow my comb, all ya had t' do was ask.” Deidre reached into a purse that Linda hadn't seen before and handed Karyn a comb.

Linda was dumbfounded. First, her youngest son became a redheaded bombshell right before her eyes, and now, her oldest son's sweet and innocent tomboy friend seemed to be one of the biggest sluts in school! And she still wasn't quite sure what happened to Zoe...But the surprise didn't end there. As she watched Karyn comb her long, straight hair. It began curling, just the slightest bit, all by itself. After a few minutes, she had stylishly wavy blonde hair down past her shoulders. Following that, her breasts puffed out even more to rival Deidre's. Her skintight dress seemed to struggle with the new mass at first, but even that adjusted itself in time.

Linda had already seen more extreme transformations in the short time she'd been here, but it still silently astounded her each time.

Karyn handed the comb back to Deidre. “That feels much better, girls. Anyway, I'm off. There's bound to be some horny boy somewhere around here. Nice meeting you, Linda.”

“It was nice meeting you too, Cara,” Linda said, even as the words felt odd leaving her lips. But that was her name, wasn't it? Cara? It must've been, there's no way she would've forgotten that quickly.

Indeed, Cara Blake, the school nymphomaniac, walked away looking for her next prey in an ecosystem where it was dwindling rapidly. Karyn Black, as well as her knowledge of the magic wishing rock, was no more. Cara turned around once more to wave goodbye to Deidre and her two darker skinned friends.

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