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14. Biff is Confused

13. In Biff's Room

12. Jon and Tiffany

11. At the McMillan's house

10. The Originals

9. Linda the CEO

8. Zoe Warren

7. Mikey is Roger's mom

6. Roger the pampered princess

5. Jon the slut

4. Karyn goes first

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting: Biff is Confused

on 2016-12-17 20:05:26

1534 hits, 113 views, 1 upvotes.

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Karyn shrugged her shoulders. "I guess it's interesting seeing life from another person's point of view." She replied. "Now tell me everything that I need to know."

"OK, well we're in my bedroom." Biff explained as Karyn took out a notepad to write everything down.

He started to talk, and kept talking. "Why am I telling you all of this? I've never told anyone some of these things?"

"Because I told you to," Karyn said. "I think that's how it works...or how they said it works. You can't not tell me what I need to know...just like you have to agree to this, and everyone else has to accept that I'm you. It's like a compulsion. I was a host once, but I don't remember it very clearly."

She took a few more notes and then paused. "I guess that's enough. This is my first time. I'm not sure how I start being Biff Meadows."

She frowned as Biff reacted to that statement.

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