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9. Family Acting; Dadd'y Little P

8. Family Acting; Mom the Nerd

7. Family Acting; Jon the Hooters

6. Family Acting; Zoe's the bread

5. Family Acting; Mikey the super

4. Family Acting; Sheriff Karyn

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting; Dadd'y Little Princess

avatar on 2016-01-06 20:26:00

1175 hits, 125 views, 2 upvotes.

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"Emily Masters" Roger read after selecting his piece of paper.

The Masters family lived in the same area that the McMillans did and were just as rich. Emily was their 7 year old daughter and she was a spoilt brat. Emily always got what she wanted as she was her "daddy's little princess"; if she asked for a pony she would get it, if she wanted more clothes she would get them, extra ballet lessons weren't a problem either.

If she carried on like this she could well become the next Sarah McMillan, she already thought that she was better than most people.

"Right," Roger said "that's everybody, let's all head off to our new homes for the week."

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