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8. Family Acting; Mom the Nerd

7. Family Acting; Jon the Hooters

6. Family Acting; Zoe's the bread

5. Family Acting; Mikey the super

4. Family Acting; Sheriff Karyn

3. family acting

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

Family Acting; Mom the Nerd

avatar on 2016-01-06 20:25:07

1366 hits, 120 views, 1 upvotes.

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Next it was the matriarch of the family's turn, Linda Gibson. She stuck her hand into bag and pulled out her piece of paper

"Leonard Drullers" She read out.

"He goes to our school" Jon explained "and he also lives across the street so you won't have to go very far, mom."

"So is the fat kid who looks like a nerd?" Linda asked "He doesn't just look like a nerd mom; he is a nerd, probably the biggest nerd in the school." Jon said.

It was true, Leonard was a nerd; he loved all of his sci-fi movies and television shows, he even went to a few comic-cons dressed as one of his favourite characters. Leonard had a small group of friends who were similar to him and with whom he liked to invite round his house on Fridays to play Dungeons and Dragons with.

"Ok honey" Linda said turning to her husband Roger "It's your turn."

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