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25. Enjoying the Afterglow

24. The Fight

23. Mikey

22. Family Acting: Confrontation

21. Family Acting: Susan Isn't Hap

20. Family Acting: Lights Out!

19. Family Acting: Mikey Gets No C

18. Family Acting: Linda's Cheatin

17. Family Acting: Karyn Heading O

16. Family Acting: Starting Out as

15. Family Acting: Sarah's Mom

14. Family Acting: Jack's Place

13. Family Acting: Karyn's New Clo

12. Family Acting: Candace Robert'

11. Family Acting: At Biff's House

10. Family Acting: Susan McMillan

9. Yes, Jon's Father Is There

8. Family Acting: The Wheels on t

7. Family Acting: Mom's Picks Bif

6. Family Acting: Zoe Chooses Sup

Family Acting: Afterglow

avatar on 2009-04-25 13:16:21

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At the same time that Jon was standing alone in the theatre's parking lot, surprised at how difficult it was to fight back the tears that were coming unbidden, Zoe was basking in the afterglow of lovemaking. William Roberts, loving husband of Candace, had just given Zoe her first taste of the reason there were so many Roberts children.

She smiled silently in the dark. Normally Zoe loved the dark; she often would sit in her room, blinds drawn, lights off, and enjoy the solitude of the deep blackness. Her gothic sensibilities demanded it. Not today, though. Zoe wouldn't allow herself to slip out of character that deeply; she took the game far too seriously.

The closest she allowed was the smile she couldn't let go of as she lay on her side in the dark. She could still feel William's weight on over her, the warmth of his body, the feel of his penis as he thrust into her. It wasn't the sex that had put her in such a state, it was something else. She had had plenty of sex during the game, and Candace and William's sex life wasn't very creative. Missionary all the way.

Zoe smiled again. It was the love. William loved Candace, and was showing it to Zoe. This was the reason she made the game such a priority for her. She had never felt anything like it. William wasn't taking anything from her when they made love; he was giving something of himself. And Zoe took it. She lay there, completely submitted to her husband, and taken it all in. She had never felt anything like it.

She breathed deeply the smell of her borrowed husband and smiled again. Tomorrow she would do her best to show him that love back; not just because Candace would have done it, she realized, but because something in her was demanding it as well. As Zoe drifted off to sleep she worried, only briefly, what would happen if she fell in Love with William Roberts.

Over at the McMillan's home, Richard was...

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