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24. The Fight

23. Mikey

22. Family Acting: Confrontation

21. Family Acting: Susan Isn't Hap

20. Family Acting: Lights Out!

19. Family Acting: Mikey Gets No C

18. Family Acting: Linda's Cheatin

17. Family Acting: Karyn Heading O

16. Family Acting: Starting Out as

15. Family Acting: Sarah's Mom

14. Family Acting: Jack's Place

13. Family Acting: Karyn's New Clo

12. Family Acting: Candace Robert'

11. Family Acting: At Biff's House

10. Family Acting: Susan McMillan

9. Yes, Jon's Father Is There

8. Family Acting: The Wheels on t

7. Family Acting: Mom's Picks Bif

6. Family Acting: Zoe Chooses Sup

5. Jon Chooses Sarah

Family Acting: The Fight

avatar on 2009-04-22 00:48:21

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Inside the theatre, Linda was really getting into character. It was easy, really. Once the movie had started (a real shoot-em-up that Biff would have loved) she just sat back, slung her left arm over Karyn's shoulder, letting it rest on her left breast, then enjoyed the movie. Everything else had been a breeze.

The closest thing to anything difficult had been when, half-way-through the film, Karyn had moved her painted fingers into Linda's crotch and began to massage the penis that wasn't there. At that point she closed her eyes, slid her hand under Karyn's shirt, massaging her boob and playing with her nipple, and sighed.

That was it.

A breeze.

That is until her son arrived.

Jon was livid. She had to suppress a real sense of pride the way that he was taking on Sarah's character. His make-up was immaculate, his sense of style incredibly girlie. Even his hair had been styled, as much as it could being so short. His voice was shrill, his sandalled feet had stomped, and a scene was caused. Words like 'slut', 'hussy' and 'whore' had been thrown around.

And then they'd been thrown out.

Really, Linda thought, that was a bit unfair. Couldn't the management see that her and Karyn were victims? Oh well, time to make the best of it.

"Sarah, baby," Linda tried to talk to her son in her most soothing voice while still keeping her Biff macho image, "You didn't see anything. We were just out for a movie. You know, we are neighbours."

"Don't you baby me," Jon poked his mother in her boob with his painted index finger, causing her to momentarily wince, "You can't go out fucking this slut and expect to stay in my good books. Nobody does this to Sarah McMillan! Especially not you, you tiny dicked asshole!"

Karyn was leaning against the building, checking out her nails. She briefly looked up when the word 'slut' was used, then decided not to get involved. In her getup, one could have easily mistaken her for a prostitute.

Linda let her ire get up at the last comment. "Okay, fine, princess, if that's the way you want to play it." She began to approach Jon as menacingly as she could manage, considering he was still bigger than her no matter what role he was playing. "You're a lousy lay anyway. A cheap one too. Tiff's sexier than you'll ever be. You just wait until I tell all the guys how you begged me for one last fuck, and when I turned you down how you said you'd let me do you in the ass." She turned to her date, grabbed Karyn by the elbow and started off toward Biff's car.

"You wouldn't dare!" Jon's face was bright red. Linda wasn't sure if he was about to scream or cry, whichever it was she didn't want to be around to see it.

"You just watch me," Linda shouted at her distraught son as she slammed the car door and drove away.

At the same time that Jon was standing alone in the theatre's parking lot, surprised at how difficult it was to fight back the tears that were coming unbidden, Zoe was...

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