Jon still felt nervous. He had not specified any form when he had made the wish, so he had no idea of what the stone could come up with. All he knew was that it would be strange and bizarre. Jon and his mother went into an examination room where Jon changed into a hospital gown. Shortly thereafter, a nurse came for him to take him to a transformation room. He kissed his mother goodby and went with the nurse. He came to the transformation room and lay down on a transformation table. He was given anesthetesia and gradually passed out.
He woke up in a hospital bed. A nurse was sitting there. He felt around...his head had been shaved and there was something foreign sticking out of the back of his head. Feeling it, it appeared to be a metallic bump, with a hole in it.
"What the?"
"That's just the neural shunt. Don't worry, it is barely noticeable," the nurse said, helpfully. "They did tell you they were installing it, right?"
"Umm...I don't remember?" He said.
"The shunt allows changes to be made to your brain remotely. It's usually paired with another shunt, linking the two."
"What does that do?"
"Well, imagine you're a ballerina," the nurse said. "They could link someone else to you, and make it so they could dance and you'd fall flat on your face. Essentially, they can overlay patterns from their brain onto yours and vice versa. Personality, memory, knowledge. I'm not sure what they have in mind, but you're in for a roller coaster ride, especially when the transformations kick in too."