A van full of police officers showed up at Karyn's house late in the day carrying equipment and handed her parents an official message.
"By order of the Transformation Review Board, your custody of your daughter, Karyn, SSN XXX-XX-XXXX is terminated. More information may become available in the future. Please cooperate fully with the team dispatched to your home." It had the official seal of the department.
Karyn's family were taken into the living room and sat down. Each family member was given a pair of goggles and headphones and connected to a central machine. "Hypnotron engaging," an automated voice intoned.
As the hypnotron played through its program of instruction, the police emptied Karyn's room of all personal items, labelling and boxing them, removed all photos of Karyn from the house. Then they loaded it all into the van. By that time, the program was complete.
They removed the hypnotron equipment and left Karyn's family on the couch in a light trance.