While Lisa was searching for the medallion, her mother Susanne was out driving around the neighborhood. But contrary to what she told her husband, she wasn't really driving around to be alone. She was out getting answers. She just knew that that Sydney girl had something to do with her daughter's disappearance. And she was determined to get to the bottom of whatever was happening.
She drove slowly down one of the roads and stopped in front of one of the houses. She picked up the slip of paper with the address written on it. Yep, this was the place. This was the Williams residence.
She left the car and walked up to the house, then reached up to ring the doorbell. But before she could even press it, the door swung open. And the person who greeted her was ... Sydney! She wasn't dead, like the police said!
The teenage girl dressed in gothic black smiled at her. "Good. More meat," she said.
"What?" Susanne asked, confused by what the girl said, before Sydney grabbed her and pulled her into the house, slamming the door behind her.