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5. Sibling

4. Jon Makes a Clone

3. Cloning Device

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish


on 2008-07-05 00:44:57

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Jon (in this particular branch) was an only child, which gave him an idea for his first clone. "I think I have an idea," he said. "I think I'm going to make myself a sister."

"A sister?" asked Karyn. She was expecting something kinky or erotic, which was fine with her, as per Jon's wish, but a sister was somewhat unexpected. He had never really expressed any desire to have any siblings before.

"Well," said Jon, "my mom always wanted more children, but she couldn't have any after I was born. I think there was some sort of accident giving birth to me or something like that. Having a sibling would give her the bigger family she wanted. I could even make the clone in such a way that we would get along."

"Sounds reasonable," said Karyn. "But what other qualities would you give the clone?"

"Well," replied Jon. "I'd definately want a sister, someone with enough qualities similar to me to help us get along, but different enough to have seperate interests and friends, so that we don't drive each other nuts being around each other all the time."

"Sounds good," said Karyn. The two of them went over to the computer.

"Computer," said Jon. "Make me a clone with the following characteristics, a female version of myself, about two years younger than my current age. She would hang out with the goth crowd, but would have no real problems hanging out with non-goths. She would view me as a big brother, my parents as her parents and would get along very well with me as a sibling, so there would be no sibling rivalry. She would know that she was a clone and would have no problem with it. She would know the appropriate information that a girl of her age would be reasonably expected to know, such as for school and taking care of a teenage girl's body. As for her name, lets see... Name her, Zoe, I guess. Make clone now."

"Zoe?" asked Karyn, as the liquid in the cloning cylinder started to swirl. A speck appeared, grew into a fetus, young girl and finally a teenager. "Why that name?"

"I know its kinda 'trendy' and out there," said Jon. "But its what Mom would have named me if I had been a girl."

The cloning machine finished growing Jon's new sister. The water drained out of the cylinder and the glass front opened up, allowing Zoe to step out. "Hey, bro," she said. It was only then that Jon realized that he had forgotten one major detail: clothing. His sister was completely nude! Seeing her brother's face, she looked down at her body and realized this as well. Immediately, one arm shot up to cover her breasts and her other hand covered her crotch. "Jon!" she wailed. "I'm NAKED! Where are my clothes?" Jon and his new sister blushed an identical shade of red, but for different reasons.

"I'm such an idiot," Jon said to Karyn, covering his eyes. "I can't believe that I forgot to get her clothes. I'll be right back." Jon stumbled out of the room where he quickly wished up some appropriately sized clothes for his sister. He brought them into his room and gave them to Zoe.

"Don't look!" she said, making Jon look away again before he and Karyn left the room. A couple of minutes later she allowed the two of them into the room. "I can't believe that you forgot to get me clothes," Zoe said as she brushed her hair. "Look, Jon, I'm glad you made me and I love you as a brother, but I stood there for ten minutes butt naked in front of my brother and his best friend. And look at this shirt. Pink? Pink? What goth wears pink?"

"I'm sorry," said Jon. "It completely slipped my mind that you would be naked when you came out of the cloning cylinder. As far as the pink goes, it was the first thing I grabbed that was your size." Jon also wondered why the stone made a pink shirt for a goth, but then, all Jon had really asked for was clothes; he didn't specify what color he wanted.

"Its not like you can really clone clothes, Jon," said Karyn. "But to be fair, it did slip my mind, too."

"That's all right," Zoe said, sitting down on Jon's bed and hugging him. "I really am glad you made me and we can get new clothes later. And now that I've met you and Karyn, I'd like to meet my parents. I'm pretty sure that, cloning machine or not, they might be somewhat suprised that they have a new daughter to take care of."

"They won't be home for a while, yet," said Jon. "We can probably start getting the guest room set up as your room while we wait. I'm sure that you don't want to share a room with your brother at all. After that, maybe we can continue using the cloning machine."

"Sure thing," said Zoe. As they got up and left Jon's room, Zoe asked, "I assume there's a goth crowd at school I can hang with? It'd be kind of pointless for me to be the only goth there and I can't spend all my time with the 'normals.'"

"There are a bunch in what will be your class when you start school," said Karyn. "And a few in the years before and after, so you'll have plenty to hang with."

"Good," Zoe said. "I like you guys, but it'll be good to have others like me to hang with." The trio went towards Zoe's new room, which was already furnshed, but was something that Zoe was definately going to want to personalize. "And seriously, Jon," she said. "Pink?"

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