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20. A Special Restaurant

19. Drew Agrees

18. Going to Work?

17. Making it to the Dorm

16. Dorm Girl

15. Keys

14. Trapped and Alone

13. Surprise!

12. Party Girl!

11. A Red Thong

10. Drew Agrees

9. Swap Bags?

8. Picking Lockers

7. Locker Rooms

6. Drew Tells Kate

5. The Next Morning

4. The Storm Hits

3. Going to Work

2. Drew the College Student

1. Altered Fates

Not your Average Restaurant

on 2010-04-16 22:57:29

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Drew found that Michelle worked at a restaurant. Not a normal one, either, she realized. It was an old-fashioned drive-in restaurant called Smilie's, a landmark of the city. It had been around forever, and was known for several things: burgers, hot dogs, milkshakes...

And for the waitresses who came to your car to get your order and brought it to your car on a window tray. While wearing roller skates.

Drew groaned, then immediately felt worse as the girly voice reminded her just how bad her situation was. She was alone, trapped in the body of a girl she knew nothing about, unable to get back to her body until the floodwaters receded and she could get back to the ice rink, broke, and the only person who knew what she was going through - Kate - was goodness-knows-where and probably in the same situation. And now, Drew had to go to work as a waitress.

Drew stood up and walked over to the dresser, reminding herself that without the money she would be getting for working today her situation would be even worse. After opening a few drawers, she finally found what she was looking for.
First was the white polo shirt with the restaurant logo and the words "Keep Smilin'" on the back. Folded below them were the black shorts - and they were very short. Drew had, more than once, appreciated that fact, but now she wished the uniform would cover just a bit more. Next, Drew found the black fanny pack with a small notebook in it to take orders. Below that she found the tall, black and white striped socks that came halfway up her calves. Finally she found a badge that said "Hi, I'm Michelle" on it and a black hairband to pull her long hair back into a ponytail.

Drew pulled the uniform out of the drawer and dumped it on the bed. She then went back and dug into the top drawer of the dresser, finally pulling out a plain white bra and a pair of plain panties. She tossed them on the bed and dropped the towel to the floor, immediately becoming far too aware of her new body once again.

Drew dressed as quickly as she could, and dug into the closet to find the black roller skates and a pair of black tennis shoes. She walked back to the desk, tugging a bit on the shirt which seemed determined to show a sliver of her midriff. She grabbed the small purse again, making sure it had her keys in it and the $40 she had found. Drew realized she had no driver's license, but with the flooding, the police would probably be elsewhere helping flood victims and as long as she was careful she should be fine.

Drew walked out to the parking lot and finally came to a car that responded to the beeper on her key chain. She jumped in and left the college to try her hand at waitressing on skates.

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