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35. Where did everything go?

34. Karyn takes her time

33. Into the Belly of the Beast

32. Karyn attacks, and wins!

31. Sarah and Kara call out to Kar

30. Back to Sarah and Kara

29. To the Mall

28. Karyn isn't doing too well

27. Sarahfication: Saturday at the

26. Sarahfication: Day 6

25. Sarahfication: A sleep over to

24. Sarahfication: Cheer-leading p

23. Sarahfication: 2nd period

22. Sarahfication: Confronting Kar

21. Sarahfication: At school

20. Sarahfication: Day 5

19. Sarahfication: To the mall

18. Sarahfication: Lunch time

17. Sarahfication: Karyn finds Jon

16. Sarahfication: Getting to scho

Karyn's Revenge: Where Did Sarah and Kara's Things Go?

avatar on 2019-12-02 11:09:32

2892 hits, 200 views, 2 upvotes.

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Karyn's world blinked out of existence for a moment, and when it blinked back she was...

This wasn't her room.

This wasn't her room!

There were pink blankets and pink curtains and makeup everywhere and on the wall above her bed were a giant pink "K" and a giant pink "S" and...

Realization struck her like a mallet on a hot anvil. This was her room. That was her desk. That was her bed. While the closet was absolutely overflowing with clothes, she still recognized it as her closet.

For some reason, when she had wished for all of Sarah and Kara's things to go "somewhere else," the stone had decided to bring them here, and now Karyn's bedroom was decorated in the precise manner that she had just relieved Sarah and Kara's room of.

But she was out of adrenaline now, and this new obstacle was just too much. Karyn fainted, falling face-first into the two stacked fluffy, pink, Sarah McMillan blankets that covered her normal, understated Karyn Black bed.

And so, too, fell the stone.

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