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34. Interlude: the sun sets and wi

33. Hat of names: Sweet dreams and

32. Hat of Names: Jon confronts Ab

31. Hat of names: She was framed!

30. Jon makes his third wish.

29. Hat of Names: In which Abigail

28. Hat of Names: Karyn and Jon me

27. Hat of Names: Abigail reads an

26. Sarah gets ready to make a wis

25. Karyn...?

24. Jon doesn't notice the weird m

23. Hat of names(Interlude): Bathr

22. Hat of names: Another jock get

21. Hat of names: A surprisingly n

20. Hat of names: Making deals and

19. A Girl Embarrasses Another Gir

18. Hat of names: Livening up the

17. Jon's First Wish Turns Sarah A

16. Hat of names: Making the world

15. Abigail Isn't Much Closer to F

Hat of names (Interlude): the sun sets, wishes are made.

avatar on 2019-11-15 21:01:15
Episode last modified by Cortuler on 2020-05-28 11:18:22

1964 hits, 137 views, 11 upvotes.

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Karyn breathed heavily, coming down from her most recent of about five consecutive climaxes. They tended to come in waves, and between long periods of silence she would occasionally have a very intense twenty minutes or so. She assumed that whoever had drawn her was making physically causing them, a snap of the fingers or something along those lines, and they would occasionally amuse themselves by snapping a few times before moving on to something else.

At this point she'd mostly resigned herself to the orgasms. There was not much she could do about them, other than trying her best to keep them from distracting her. It wasn't easy, but she'd learned quick, out of necessity. The trick was to prevent herself from basking in the afterglow and immediately get back to whatever she'd been doing.

And so she turned her attention back to the slip of paper with Moose's name on her desk. She'd been in the middle of writing down ideas for him when she'd gotten... distracted. Her final conclusions were not much to look at. She still stood by what she'd said to Jon: punish him if he's a bad guy, reward him if he's a good guy. The problem was that she had no real way of knowing which he was.

She smacked herself on the forehead. Except she totally did! Cursing herself for letting her blonde hair turn her into a ditz, she started scribbling furiously. The issue with Moose was that he had always been a follower more than a leader, so it was hard to tell what he'd do when left to his own devices. So she could give him a little help with that... and then observe.

After a few minutes of writing, scratching out, and thinking, she read her notes over:

  1. I wish that with Biff's condition, Mike would become the de facto leader of the Jocks.
  2. I wish that Mike were more confident and decisive.
  3. I wish that whenever Mike did something morally good or bad, it would be recorded into this notebook as if I had been there to witness it firsthand and had written down my impressions afterwards.

Karyn gave her wishes another once'over, trying to find flaws and potentially bad loopholes. They were solid, as far as she could tell. Mike would probably be thankful for them, in the short term. But what he did with his boons would help Karyn decide his future.

She smiled and picked up the wishing paper, and got ready to make a few wishes.

Sarah was slowly fuming in her room, reading the paper from "Oversight" one more time. She had certainly not expected the game to be set up so tightly, and the warning about "strike one" was sinister enough to send a shiver down her spine.

Obviously she'd have to find some way to prevent Abigail from making any damaging wishes about her, leaving that much power in the hands of that skank was way too dangerous. But messing with her paper would apparently not do. Maybe if she were distracted enough by Athena's advances on Jon she might not focus on Sarah until it was too late. It was her best shot for now.

At least she'd been able to take some steps to ensure that these advances would happen. She'd given the "bad luck" wish some more thought, but had decided to save that one for later. Since Athena had landed herself in detention, she'd need someone to pick her up. Considering little Zoe's adoration for her goth mentor, and the fact that Abigail would be there as well, it was a safe bet Jon would be picking both up in a car. A perfect opportunity to start setting Athena up with a fascination for the twerp.

So Sarah has made a very simple wish, that would nevertheless be all but mandatory for her plans: "I wish Athena would start finding Jon to be incredibly attractive, and would make efforts to get him to sleep with her."

She hadn't stuck around to watch it unfold. but she was certain she'd get a chance tomorrow. She smirked. Abigail might feel pretty confident right about now, but she would soon regret messing with the wrong person, even if she never learned it.

Athena's mind kept returning to Jon, and she admitted to herself she'd been wrong about him. She'd always assumed he was boring and perfectly uninteresting, but this strange situation with Abigail had given her the chance to interact with him more, even if mostly indirectly, and he'd defied her expectations.

She still saw the scene in her mind vividly: Jon standing before Abigail/Steve, a person she suspected he actively disliked, and offering her an unconditional olive branch. She'd been eavesdropping on that particular conversation out of curiosity, and she'd been impressed with his attitude. She would never have pegged him for the virtuous type, which was one she detested, and yet... Jon was undeniably different from someone like Nadine, who tried to impose righteousness on others but being a sour hateful bigot herself. He hadn't preached virtue... he'd just lived it.

Has she ever really thought of him as stuck up?

When Abigail had rushed out of the car, leaving the letter behind, Jon had been the one to make everyone promise to respect her wishes, despite Zoe's immediate eagerness to use it somehow. The strangest thing is that she thought he might actually genuinely want to do the right thing and not, as his sister had suggested, "still hoping for a piece of the action".

Athena could hardly blame Zoe on that count. The sexual tension between the two in front of the school had been so thick Athena could have cut it with a knife. Abigail might have been a man previously, but it didn't take an expert to figure out that what she'd really wanted at that moment was for Jon to be decisive and grab her, slam her against a wall, pressing his body firmly against hers, taking her mouth into his to mute out her eager moans, undressing them both and preparing to...

Athena caught herself with a blush, and realized her hand had slowly drifted to the regions she had been so vividly imagining. This must have been the work of Jon's new incubus nature affecting her, somehow. It was simply more potent than she had originally expected. Yes, that had to be it.

The real tragedy of the situation was that Jon was totally unaware of Abigail's internal feelings and desires. In a way, that made him all the more endearing, but it would be beyond frustrating if it kept up. She imagined to herself Jon, as an Incubus avatar of sex and passion, yet completely oblivious to the sexual desire he himself generated. That would simply not do. Something had to change... and she had one wish left to do it.

"Your brother has a lot to be thankful to me for, Zoe," Athena muttered under her breath as she grabbed the slip of paper with Jon's name written on it.

"I wish that, as part of his Incubus nature, Jon would be instinctively aware of any sexual or romantic interest the women he encounters may have for him."

As always, no sign came that the wish had been granted, but she sat back in her chair, satisfied that she had given Jon the nudge he needed to finally get himself laid. With Abigail, came the sudden intrusive thought, and she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She was attractive, certainly, but he could do so much better, like...

She shook her head, refusing to admit that she was blushing again, and stomped off to bed. As she drifted off to sleep, she idly wondered who's dream Jon's new powers would lead him.

A small part of her irrationally hoped it might be hers.

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