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32. Jen returns home

31. Jen gains superpowers

30. Sarah springs into action

29. Jen and Sarah's day

28. Gold

27. Jen continues to shrink

26. Soon...

25. Next morning

24. Jen awakes in Hospital

23. Round 3

22. round 2

21. Bad jokes

20. Rematch

19. An Aftermath 2

18. The final round

17. Things get hairy

16. Sarah's Turn

15. Rolls a 12

14. Approaching the end

13. Things get a bit sticky

Jen meets Jon

on 2015-05-01 10:45:28

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Later as the sun was setting Jen return to the crypt entrance and tried to squeeze through the gate, her pendulous breast and curvy rear made it impossible "Argghhhh" she screamed. "I need to escape" she said to herself pacing back and forth.

When something strange happened, she felt a transformation taking place. She stopped, and returned to her short female self. "what the fuck" she muttered. Then again strained muscles she never knew she had. Weird pains and stretching and pulsing feelings filled her body and in a panic stopped again her body returning to its Jen state.

"what other choice do I have" Jen sited and just went for it.

"argh" she grunted as red hair spurted from her skin and her arms grew leathery wings,"ooooo" she continues as she shrunk her legs becoming incredibly short and stumpy, her feet growing claws "Aaaaargghhheeek" she continues as her nose became a snout and her ears grew, "Squueeek squeak" she continued in discomfort as her change neared its end.

Around her a pile of clothes, she flapped her wings a few times and found herself hovering over her clothes and soon she was through the bars and flying over the cemetery towards her house.

When she arrived she noticed her window open, she couldn't get in though, it was like a gust of wind was keeping her out. She landed on the ledge and looked at herself. Her weak eyes could see her red furry body and bat wings, how had she become a bat she wondered. She knocked her long fangs against the glass. "come in" she heard tiredly groaned by the figure wrapped in sheets on the bed. The wind stopped, curiously Jen hopped into her bedroom and returned to her Jen body.

After the weird feeling of loosing wings and gaining breasts she, looked in the mirror... No reflection she thought, what had her wish done. Looking in the bed she found Jon sleeping, she gently pulled back the sheet to see he was sleeping naked.

She couldn't look away from his cock, and found herself stroking it and as it hardened in her hand she felt her incisors become fangs and her tong grow longer and forked, she stuck it out and liked his penis, it tasted amazing under her tong and it wrapped around his shaft flicking against the precum it was producing... The taste was amazing and Jen could do nothing to stop herself falling head first onto Jons member.

She had never felt anything so amazing in her life as her teeth sunk deep into his flesh and her tong wrapped itself around his balls. Her started to cum and her teeth were milking his cum.

What had she become

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