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11. Karyn gets close and covered

10. ... hands it to Mickey

9. Who's Your Daddy?

8. Pulling Ahead

7. ...gets a three

6. It's a four

5. Karyn Rolls A Five

4. Karyn

3. Games

2. Jon's (perverted) fantasies

1. You Are What You Wish

A bunny in the hand...

on 2016-03-17 22:38:07

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Karyn had hoped that she'd be allowed to go back to being clothed as soon as she rolled the dice, but the game apparently wanted her to be naked for this turn as well. As she watched the dice settle on a three she recalled that she was to be naked for the "next round", so she had a few dice rolls left. After pulling the card she gave a short grimace.


Karyn feared that Jon would become a bodypart on her, or a Siamese twin; something strange at least, so it was with a heartfelt sigh she noted that Jon was simply crawling into her lap.

"You don't mind if I sit here, right? I kinda don't like the looks Mom's giving me," said Jon as he snuggled into Karyn.

"I'm not giving you a weird look, dear," countered Zoe, looking at Jon with a sad face.

"Not you, Zoe," almost whispered Jon while pointing at the drunken woman who had turned to giving the wine bottle a blow job since nothing fun was happening, "her." Jon couldn't quite believe how he was acting. He didn't want to be this timid, but something about being turned into a bunny girl made him vulnerable.

"Oh, yes, she's a bit unpleasant, isn't she?" Zoe scowled softly at her drunken and inhibitionless former mother before turning to Mickey and hugging him tightly.

"There, there, my dear. Nothing too bad has happened yet," Mickey said, holding his pseudo-wife.

"I'm just happy to have this cute bunny on my lap," commented Karyn and gave Jon's bum a grope. "As a bonus, she keeps me covered!" Most smiled or grinned at Karyn's comment, as she threw the dice at the drunken woman.

"The fuck ye doin'? Thish shit ain't no good!" she said and stomped on a die. Thankfully nothing happened to the die.

"Just roll the damned things already," countered Mickey. The drunken and very sexually loaded woman scoffed at him but still picked up the dice.

"'ere! 'ave 'em!" She threw them at Mickey and Zoe, sulking since the bunny girl she wanted to bed wasn't interested..

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